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Sunday, March 31, 2013


So, today was Easter and it was great.  I know in my family we have always had a tradition.  on Easter to where I come over to my Family's house  and we all meet up and go to church to sunrise service. We all have been going to the same church for well, since I was very little, but this year they decided to go to a different church and not tell me at  the last minute.

You all know I love my family very much and would do anything for them, but however I do  not like change, so when I got told that we were not going to the same church that we had been going to, I was a little upset. In fact I was so upset that  I told them I would not go.

Ok, so I know that sounds selfish and I probably was but I do not like change. In fact I have always had a hard time dealing with it and when It comes to church I was and am stuck in my ways, BUT of course they begged and begged me to go so of course  I went.

The whole time in church I just felt like I was being forced to be in a church where I was not comfortable with.  In my old church, it is  a very small crowd . I like small crowds, and when I get around a large amount of people I just get weired out..

The whole time I just felt like  I could not be myself or express myself in that church and you all know I am a very free person, random YES, and free like a bird. I have to be myself .

It just makes me wounder why I felt like I was being forced.  I don't like being forced on anything and especially with religion , but it was my family.

 So, how do you tell your family that you felt like your being forced to go somewhere where you are not comfortable?
Also, when it's things like different churches, or different religion's what do you think? Should I have just gone on with it and kept my mouth closed about it like I did, or should I have spoke up?

Friday, March 22, 2013

I'm Walking For A Cure.

For the past couple of years well,since my pawpaw(grandfather) was dignosed with cancer  I  have been walking for a cure. I walk in Relay For Life. If you all have not heard of Relay For Life,what it is,is a walk that raises money for cancer reacherch ,to one day find a cure this horrible sickness.. We raise money all year for this walk,and on May 3 I go to the track where we walk and walk from 630 may 3 to 730 May 4.. Now of corse you don't have to walk all that time,but I usually try and walk most of that time.

To raise money for a cure to cancer is what I am all about.I love to give back to this world,and this is one of the way that I do it. I get all my friends and family together and we walk till we can't any more. It's a lot of  stress and time my team puts into it,but at the end of this walk it will show you we can make a difference  just by raising a little money and walking.

My teams name is called the Forever Fighters. I named my team that because my grandfather was such a fighter. I always say he went out with boxing gloves on,that because I believe he did. He was so proud of all his family,and I know now he is looking down on us and specially .
when we walk   To try and find a cure.

If you all ever get a chance to run or walk In anything that is for a cause, like  a breast cancer walk or a MS walk,and yes even a Realy  walk I suggest you all walk or run it. It may be a long day,and you may be so tired at the end of the day,but you will feel like a,million bucks on the inside after I promise you all .

If you all want a little ,more info on relayforlife go to  RelayForLife.org and see what it's all about,

Monday, March 4, 2013

Image In The Mirror

There are so many different body types out there. From short to tall to skinny and heavy and everthing in between each one just as unique as the other.

So why is it that when we see our selfs in the mirror we are always wanting to change our image.

I am guilty of this is well, when I look in the mirror I always say to myself " I wish I could change this or that about myself "  As women I think we are more guilty of this than men. We look in the,mirror and are always wanting something changed.

The question I have to ask is why? Why do we want to change ourselves? Are we trying to impress somebody, or just change the way we feel about ourselves.

For me, I've always been told that I am to Pale,or to heavy, and that,may be true. Im not a size 0 I never will be,and maby im not tan  and very pale but you know what I'm happy with myself and thats all that,matters.

Thats the key to this self image thing. The key is being happy with who you are, on the inside and outside. Not worrying about what we could change to look better,and what we could do to make ourselves look better.

I seen this commercial once where they had a bunch of women in  a room together with a bunch of mirrors. On the mirrors they had blankets so the women could not look at them selves and everywhere they went all the mirrors were covered. By the end of this expiement when the,blankets where taken off of the mirrors the women did not care what they looked like they were just happy with themselves.

Maby this is what we should all do. For 24 hours not look in the mirror, and by the end of the 24 maby just maby, we will have a whole new image without having to fix a thing or change a thing about ourselves.

Back In Time.

I daydream a lot, especially when I'm stressed, when I daydream I dream  about weird things.. Latley I have been daydreaming about the past.

Its got me thinking about if I could go back into my younger life what would I change.about it. Would I change anything about it or just leave it alone.. I told you all I.daydream.about some weird things.

As I look back on my past and my life I'm come to the realization to realize that I don't think that I would change anything about my earlier life. sure I've had a few bumps along the road but what person doesn't

the only thing that I would chance is myself. I think I would change maybe spending more time with my family. I always felt like I spent enough time with them. and even know they're still around me now, I just feel like I wish that I could go back to spend more time with them.

we can't change the past, we can only change the future. we can only change What's in the future