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Monday, October 10, 2011

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

You ever feel like the days and weeks have just vanished. I have and today especially It has been one of the days where I feel like it has just vanished. Disappeared right in front of my eyes. I don't know where the days goes anymore or the weeks for that matter.

It's funny in a way to me. Before I got my job that I have now, I use to sit and wish that the days and weeks would go by faster just so I would not have to deal with them. Now I look at days and weeks and wish that they would slow down just so I could catch up with them.

I feel like I have missed so much in life. Maby not family things or important events, I just mean life and all it's beauty that's in it. It seems now that when I want everything to just slow down they speed up,then POOF there gone.

My Grandfather always said when I was growing up " Don't rush life because if you do,then it's like a fast moving train and it will never slow down or stop". I never thought much about what he said till now. Today for some odd reason I have been thinking about it a lot. It's like it's stuck in my mind now.

So,I believe that I am going to take his advice and just slow down. In this world I feel like if you take life to fast then it will go to fast and you miss out on so much. Remember,you can't turn back time we can just make the future slower.

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