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Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Lesson Well Learned.

I have always been one of those kinds of people where I was able to make friends fairly easy. True, I didn't always get along with all my friends all the time,but then again who does.

If you read my blog,you know that YES I have wrote about this and still do write about this subject quite a bit. Today again I am going to write about not only judging people but also about making friends. Say with me on this one, as it may be a little confusing.

The other day for my job, I had to out of town. I had to go to a convection center to work,with my co worker and also many other people. While I was working there I came across a lady that was probably in her late 40 early 50's . As she come over to talk to my co worker I simply turned my head to tell her HELLO to her. When she did not answer me I just let it go. After she left I told my co worker that I thought she was rude and a little weird because she just could not stop shaking. After I told my co worker that I got a response that I did not expect which was that the lady was not rude she was having a bad day and she had a disease where she could not help that she was shaking.

After she told me that I just felt horrible. I mean who was I to talk bad and to judge this women when I know how it feels to be judged. I just felt like I was just the most horrible person in the world. In fact I felt so bad that after I stopped feeling sorry for my self, I went right over to the women and her husband and introduced my self and apologised to her.

In the end the lady forgave me for judging her and we sat and talked for for hours. Now, that lady didn't have to forgive me, but she did. And for that I most thankful for. Believe it or not I don't normally judge people. I guess in the time that I spent judging this women I really could have been Friends with her. In the end it all worked out for the better for both of us if you really think about it. I learned an important lesson about judging and making friends and she got out of her bad day and started having a great day.

If I could give any advice through all of this post,it would be don't judge some one on what they look like or how the look like, and if you make a mistake make sure you make it right.

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