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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Looking Around The Circle Of Life.

Today's post might not be the happiest post but it's something that I have to get off my chest. So sorry for the weird post.

The past couple of weeks has just been weird,scare and just upsetting. It's been one of the weeks where I would just want to climb under a rock and stay there because I have honestly not a clue what to do about it. One of the things that has really been upsetting me is when people tell me that they want to rush life.

I bet I have had someone every week for the past couple of weeks tell me that they wish time would fly by. The only thing that I say to them is " No you don't". That's the only thing that I can say to them.

I am just so tired of people saying that. What I can't understand is why people rush life when life is just so precious and beautiful. Sure it's not all fun and games but that's no reason to rush things.

I hear so many people especially older people and people that are sick say that they wish they could go back in time and just live life more than they already have. So why if you hear that why would you not want to just live life.

I don't know,maby I am just old fashion but I make sure that when I am in life that I take it one step at a time and piece by piece. There are so many people that wish they could go back and just do things that they never got to do or always wanted to do,and never get to do.

Like I said,not a very happy post I know but I needed to get this off my chest. If I can just give anyone out there one piece of advice it's please don't rush life and instead look at like a puzzle and do it one piece at a time.


  1. Sorry for who ever reads this post. I know it's not so positive but It's just something I just needed to say. It's been a really bad week and last few days so that's why this post is like this. I promise that my next post will be better.

  2. Lyndsie -

    I just had to come over here and see you after reading what you wrote over on The Middle Ages earlier today. I am so, so, so sorry about your grandfather. *hugs*

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    If you need to vent, feel free to email. *hugs*

    Love and hugs,

  3. I want to echo what Rigel said. I was so sorry to read about your grandfather. I know what they mean to you.
    -HUG- I'm always an email away if you want to talk.

  4. I want to think you all for the support Ruth,AnD Rigel. You all are just great. Yes Right now I am in the depression stage where I just don't want to believe it. In fact it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. It's something that I need to handle but don't know how to handle. Thank you all so much. Just you caring makes me feel like I have so much support.

