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Monday, March 4, 2013

Back In Time.

I daydream a lot, especially when I'm stressed, when I daydream I dream  about weird things.. Latley I have been daydreaming about the past.

Its got me thinking about if I could go back into my younger life what would I change.about it. Would I change anything about it or just leave it alone.. I told you all I.daydream.about some weird things.

As I look back on my past and my life I'm come to the realization to realize that I don't think that I would change anything about my earlier life. sure I've had a few bumps along the road but what person doesn't

the only thing that I would chance is myself. I think I would change maybe spending more time with my family. I always felt like I spent enough time with them. and even know they're still around me now, I just feel like I wish that I could go back to spend more time with them.

we can't change the past, we can only change the future. we can only change What's in the future

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