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Friday, March 25, 2011

One Simple Word.

They say one simple word can't make a difference to someone. Well I know different and it's something that I have experienced first hand.

See,I was ONE of those people that always questioned how just one simple word could make a difference in someones life. Then I WAS one of those people that got to experience that and it made all the difference in the world for me,because I knew that someone cared enough about me and it made me realize how much I am not alone.

Honestly,we all just need someone to give us a kind word from time to time,or for someone to tell us that it's ok,or for someone to believe in us. It's weird for me because I really never hear someone just giving someone a kind word,when they really need it the most,and we really should.

It's just like the other day,I was really stressed for school,and work and,about my friends,and my family and how I really never get to see them except for holidays because I am so busy. I was just so upset and really the only thing I knew to do was to just cry. So that's exactly what I did until my boyfriend came home. It's amazing to me because the only thing he did was took my hands and held them,and just looked at me and whispered " It's ok" . Then I just put my head on his shoulder and finished crying and I felt so much better.

So you see someone saying just One or two simple words can make all the difference in the world to a person. Sometimes you will know it right off hand,and sometimes you may not know it till later but,it does make a difference.

So,the next time you see a person having a bad day,or someone that is really stressed,do yourself and them a favor and just give them a kind word or even a few kind words and watch that persons face just light up.It helped me when someone gave me a kind word so I know it can help someone else.


  1. -Hug!-

    My "adopted dad" always gives me a hug and says "It'll be fine." Simple phrase, but it helps me keep going through the tough stuff.

    I'm so glad you have such a perceptive boyfriend. He seems like a keeper!

  2. He is and yes I have learned that just one or two simple words can make a difference too someone.
