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Friday, March 11, 2011

We Weren't Crazy.

I'm sure we have all done something crazy. I remember when I was in high school me and a bunch of my friends just took off too the open road. We have no idea why we just took off and whet off on a road trip but we just did. If I remember right that's how I got my first tattoo but that's a different story.

Anyways,when me and my friends took off we had no place we had to be. I still ask them today why we just decided to take off and the best answer I can come up with is we were young and we could.

See back then me and my friends were a lot of things and yes we did a lot of dumb things. We were the ones who would say something if things was not right, or the ones who would just take off out of the blue just to do it. We were the talkers and the note passers in class,and the cell phone talkers who would talk and txt while walking down the street. So me and my friends did a lot of things did a lot of things but if there is one thing I can say it's that were weren't crazy.

We may have been all those things but like I said differently not crazy. See I think sometimes we all need to do something a little nuts. It could be when we are in school like I did or even now .I think the reason we all need to do something a little nuts is because if we don't then we don't ever experience life. In my opinion that's the way we figure out life is from the things that we do. So go and do something a little nuts,just remember you can do something nuts and still not be crazy.

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