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Monday, January 31, 2011

Cuddle Bug.

Well Here we are. Valentines day is upon us. Which mean times for chocolate candy,flowers,gifts,and some loven. I love Valentines day. For me it means a day of total relaxation and dinner and of coarse my faviorte time which is cuddle time. v

Every women loves cuddle time. It's that time where we get to cuddle down with the ones we love and just enjoy each other's company. I have always been some what of a cuddle bug.That's why my boyfriend calls me the cuddle bug this time of year,because I love to just cuddle down with him and just relax after a hard days work.

He has always been the most romantic type so for Valentines day he always gets me a dozen roses,and chocolate,then we watch a movie and have our cuddle time and that's the best part of the day.When we settle down and eat chocolate and watch our movie while I am wrapped up in his arms with my head on his chest is the best feeling ever.

Every Valentines day is special for me but he makes it even better. I love him so much and don't know what I would do with out him. Nothing can go wrong when I cuddle with him.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The True Test.

Everyone makes mistakes. It could be on a test,or in school,and the most popular with your life,whatever the case may be we all make them. I know that I have made a few mistakes in my life time,some that I regret and some that I really don't regret.

Growing up my family expected a lot out of me. They expected me to get good grades in school,grow up and get into a good college and live life to the fullest and sometimes I felt and still feel like they expect me to never make a mistake. Well NEWSFLASH, I am going to make mistakes in my life,I'm not perfect. Sorry.

In order to experience life I think we all have to make mistakes once in a while. Heck,if we never make mistakes how can we tell what life is all about? As I have told my family and my friends,I am going to make mistakes. Like I said I am no where near perfect, and I really don't want to be. What my family and friends needs to know is that with every mistake that I make I learn from.

My family is not always going to be with me and that's the cold hard fact. They are always going to be there when I need them mentally,but physically they are not going to be with me every minute of the day so when I fall on my butt and make a mistake they need to know that I can handle myself.

So,the fact is YES,I am going to mess up once in a while,I can't sit here and tell you that I'm not. What I can tell you is that I learn from what I mess up on and it only makes me stronger. People have to let me fall once in a while,we all have to fall once in a while. It's one of those things that we all have to do. In reality it's just one the many stepping stones that you have to cross in your life time. Some times repeatedly but eventually we all have to just cross them..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Classie Gal.

Growing up I was different from all the rest of my family. I have always been very classier and very proper. I was taught that way so I guess that's why I grew up that way.

I was always taught not to act like a wild animal,and to always give life my all, no matter what. I didn't grow up going to a lot of parties or staying out till all hours of the day. When going out with my friends I was always told to offer to pay and make sure I leave a tip. So,you can see what I mean when I say that I grew up with class.

Now,since I have moved out of my parents house I am still trying to figure out who I am. Am I still that classier little girl that my family grew me up to be or am I something so much more than that. Those are some of the answer's that I am trying to find out as I go through this crazy.

In some ways I believe that I am always going to be a little classier. I mean, I still don't go to wild parties or stay out till four in the morning but I believe in many ways I have change. I believe I have change just through how I act. Now when I go out with friend or family, I now fit in more. I don't act all proper any more. That's not saying that I don't behave I just tend to let my hair down a little more and relax instead of trying to be something more that what I am not.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Aging Limits.

Every time I turn on the t.v it ALWAYS seems to be something going on or something that some one is trying to figure out. Well,today on the news I seen something that caught me dead in my tracks and really made me think for a very long time. What made me stop dead in my tracks your asking yourself? Well this article was about older people and driving and rather there should be a cut off age.

This really started to get my wheels turning. Should there be a cut off point where you should not drive or should you just keep going as long as you can and feel like it? In this situation,I started to think about the older people in my family,especially my great grandmother. She is 91 and will be 92 this year and still drives, EVERYWHERE

It's weird because I can't say that she is a bad driver. She is a fast driver to be sure but differently not a bad driver. In fact she just got a pulled over for going to fast so that has to tell you something.

In my opinion I think that there needs to be a line drawn. What I mean is, I think that older people should be able to drive,besides who are we to tell them to stop driving when they have done it for so long BUT if they are one of the ones who can't see over the steering wheel or has trouble reaching the gas petal then maby it's time for them to put down the licence.

There is a difference between being able to drive,and just being plan mean about it and telling someone that they are not going to drive again. Like I said who are we to judge them after they have drove for years.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lost In Time.

Have you ever felt like time is just getting away from you? It's like you look up thinking it's one time only to find out that's it's actually another time. Not only do I do that with time but I also do that with the days of the week as well. It's like the days and time gets away from me in just a short blink of an eye. "POOF" and it's gone,just like that.

What happens,how can I forget what day of the week it is? I can understand time getting away from me because for the past couple of weeks I have been so busy,but come one the days of the week. What next my name? Lets hope not.

I will tell you right now,I don't have the most up to date mind really I don't. I usually can't forget what people tell me and even then I have to write things down. So,maby that's the reason why I am forgetting what day it is or even what time it is.

It's funny how we can have so much in our minds and still forget the things that we should remember. I hate when this happens to me but with some much to have on my mind right now who can. As long as I can remember what the most important things like my friends and family and yes my even my pets and schooling everything else should fall into place.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Achieve And Believe.

Growing up my family always dreamed of me being something big. They always told me to reach for the stars or too go for it no matter what and don't let anything stand in my way. They were hard on me and always pushed me to do and try new things. And although I always didn't appreciate it much when I was younger I realize now they were only doing it for my own good.

I'm not a parent, but I am sure that ever parent has those dreams and goals for their children. Weather it could be to be a doctor or a lawyer or even just something as simple as just getting into a good college those dreams are always there. But what happens when those dreams and expectations don't come out exactly how they were planned?

Now that I am grown I have taken control of my life. I now have my own goals and things that I want to achieve. Now I have not forgotten the things that my family dreamed for me,I have just put them to the side for a while,that way I get ahead start on the goals that I set for myself.

The dreams that my family had for me when I was younger are always going to be there and although I might not achieve those exact ones I can still make them proud of me and go hard for the ones that I set for my self. I know now, that if I can achieve those dreams that I have set for my self now, I can do anything. I can conquer the world and reach for the stars.

So,if after writing this post I guess that I have answered my own question. What happens when those dreams and expectations don't come out how people expect them too? The best answer that I can come up with is they become reality and because more than you can dream about.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


SO,I have been trying to think about what to write about and to tell you the truth I have writters block and I am beat so I have no idea what to write about. Towmorry I will know for sure what to write about but tonight not a clue. So I am just going to make things up,hopefully they make sence. I had a great weekend,wish it didnt have to end. What about everyone else? Watching the news now,not the greatest so depressing but ok whatever. Still need to take down my Christmas lights on my window but I don't think that I am going to rush it,in a way I kind of like them. I think it adds a lot of flavor to the room,but maby that's just me. Watched the Golden Globs today,Can't believe that Black Swan didn't win for Best Pictures,and instead Social Network did. Oh well,we all know Black Swan was a better movie anyways. Well that's all I have to write,right now, Night everyone.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Chance After Chance.

Have you ever been in that position where you meet someone new for the first time,and automatically you judge them just by what they look like right off the bat only to find out a couple days down they road that they are not at all what you judge them to be. Well I have,and it's a very award position and it's one that I was in today.

Today when at work ,I got to see first hand how we judge people and not even know it. See today at work I was working with a girl that has only had one day of on the training.

When I first saw her I just did not like her. I don't know what it was about her but in the back of my mind I just thought she was so pressie and snotty. When I worked with her today, I was not excited to say the least. I was afraid that I was going to feel the same way about her that I felt about her the other day. Turns out I was wrong.

Once I got to know her and actually learn more about her she turned out to be a really lovely person. The thing was I didn't give her a chance. I didn't get a chance to know her and she did not get a chance to know me. So the one thing I must tell you is before you judge a book by it's cover,please them a chance.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Plan This/

One of the thing that I HATE to do is be on a schedule. I have never been good at following them and I am guessing that I never will be. I just can't stick to them. It's like I am a enemy of mying.

I am very random person. I never know what I want to do. I have always been a very random person,more so sense I have entered college and moved away. Every time I have to have follow a schedule I end up going crazy. I feel like I am just out of mind. I am not a person that can be scheduled,like I said I am random so I just have to get up and go,not just when I am scheduled.

I don't know how people do it. I know people that go day by day on a scheduled life and are just fine with it. If I would go on a schedule you would see one freaked out women. This is one of the reasons why I don't go to camp in the summer time,because it is scheduled and I hate that.

If your a random person you know what I am talking about. We are the kind of people that are go getter's in the world. The ones who just have to get up and go when ever life says so. When you on a schedule you can't do that,so you see where I am coming from on this one.

If your a person that can go on day to day bases by going on a scheduled life than more power too you. Like I said,I can't and I am not ashamed to say it. I just have one question. If a work schedule and a school class schedule does not bother me,why does any other schedule bother me. I really need some therapy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Day To Remember.

I bet we all have heard the news by now of what happen in Tucson Arizona. The tragedy that struck,and the horror that went on that day. It just show you that everyone in this world is not good.

When I heard the news, it stuck with me for some reason like a song that keeps playing in my mind over and over. How can someone have the nerve to do something that horrible and that evil. The people that got wounded are going to be in my mind and I am praying for them so much. Everyone should. They did not do anything to anyone. They were just being a good person.

I think the thing that makes me mad the most,is the news that I heard about the little girl that was born on 9/11/2001. Such a young life taken at such a young age. No one deserves that. It just makes me so mad when I think what kind of sicko could do something this horrible.

All this little girl wanted to do was learn more about the world around her. Instead she ends up getting shot by some guy that wanted hell for this world.

We already have enough hell and hate in this world without anymore. I had to write about this today because I think those people that got shot and the little girl that did not make it deserve all the support they can get. I am not trying to force religion on anyone but this is something that I have to do. I really thing that there needs to be a moment of silence for those people and and prayer. God works in a weird way,so maby by praying this will change something. It will give hope to all those right now that need it. Lets support those that need support right now and pray for the ones that can't.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Everyday Changes.

I never realized how much my life would change when I got into college and moved away. I use to think that I would just stay at home and hang out with my friends all day. Then college came and my life was turned upside down,in a good way of coarse not in a bad way.

You know when you are a teenager,you don't think so much about having a planned out day. I know when I was a teenager that last thing on my mind was what I had to do that day. Now that I am in college and on my own,I have come to realize that a planner is my best friend. My planner is how I get things done now. Without it I would be lost.

From school,to my relationship,to work,and being together with my family life is just crazy. When I was a teenager I never,never thought about what time I had to be in class,or what time work started,and now since I am grown,I have soon come to realize that I now have to worry about those things.

It's now my responsibility to figure out what time my first class is and to make sure I get in time,or what time I get to work. I use to get be able to go to bed at like 5 or 6 in the morning and sleep in all day. Well,not now. Now I have to go to bed more at like 1 or 2 and actually get some sleep so I don't fall asleep in class the next day.

Even know I have a lot more things to do and worry about now,it feels so right. Life is hard,and I know that. I think as long as I take life by the boot straps and pull my self up it will be alright. I just have to keep positive. As do we all.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Color Water Fall.

I have always said that art is all around us. It's in everything we do and everywhere we look. The question we must ask ourselve's is where would we be without are? What kind of world would we be in? Think about it. If we did not have art around us wouldn't this world be kind of just blah, and boring? The reason that I am writing about this yet again,is because I took a couple of photo's when the sun was going down at my house. There are nothing great and they are cerently not perfect but they are full of color,and that's one of the things that I love about them. Once you look at them you will know what I mean when I say that are is in everything we do and how it's all around us. Take a look and tell me what you all think,and please be honost. The color's in these are just amazing,to me.

These photo's were taken when they sun was going down. They may not be the best photos but they are beautiful with color,that why I love them so much. It's like a waterfall of color's in these photo's.Hope you all enjoy them

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Bragging Rights.

I've never been one to follow the crowd. I don't follow the trends,or follow what people do. I am me, simple as that. I have never really tried to follow anyone else, really. I have just always wanted to be me.

So, I don't understand when people try to make them self's out to be more than they truly are. This does not imply to everyone so please don't miss understand me, I am just talking about the ones who go around bragging about who they are and how amazing they are when really they are just very small.

I don't mean to say that everyone does this,like I said I am just talking about the ones who talk about them self's all day and who brag about everything they get done or do. Me I have always been taught not to brag,because it could come right around and bit you in the ass.

I have a friend like this. This friend of mying thinks that she is just so great,just because she has had more work on her self than a plastic barbie doll. She is always tell me something new that she gets done or something new that she gets. Finally I got tired of her bragging and told her " You need to stop bragging, I could give a crap less what you have had done,get over your self". After I told her that,yes she was mad but at least she got the point.

One day all the mean braggers will get what is coming to them. To all of you non braggers thank God for you. Maby all the non braggers can teach the braggers to stop bragging so much and for once talk about something other than their self's.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Worried Again.

Parents,mom and dad or in my case grandmother and grandfather. They are the ones who never stop worrying about there babies and young ones. They are the ones who take care of you and help you out when times get rough,AND of course they are the ones who always worry about you 24/7.

When I first moved away from my home and went to live on my own for college at the age of 18 it was something that I will never forget. I of course go to college in the states and I was so excited when I got in. Once I moved away from my family,they were excited and nervous for me at the same time. I of course was excited.

My grandparents have raised me the most,so of course they are the ones who always worry about me the most. When I moved to the states and got my own apartment it was no different. They would make me call them every night and tell them how my day was.

Now that I am getting ready to go back to school from Christmas brake they are worrying about me. They are already telling me to call them as soon as I get back,and to keep in touch.

I am very luck that my family cares so much about me and worries so much about me. Like I have said in many of my post, I have grown to be a beautiful women who knows how to take care of herself. I know that parents are always going to wounder about their kids and even know I don't have kids of my own,I know why now they worry so much,it's because they love us.

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Labor Of Love.

From,home to work,and school, I have such a lot on my plate. I go through this routine almost everyday. I am one busy person and I really quite prefer it that way. It save me from having to sit at my apartment and wounder what I am going to do that day. Although it get changeling the thing that I enjoy the most is working.

I believe I told you all this in a post, but on Labor Day of 2010 I got a new job which put a whole new meaning to Labor Day for me. When I got my job it was so exciting and scary for me all at the same time. It was exciting for me because I finally got a job after 3 mounts of being laid off,and it was scary at the same time because one I am not good with change and two I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to do at it.

Now,my job is not a million dollar a year job,and I can't tell you that I bring home a big pay check every week but what I do bring home is just enough for me and my boyfriend,and it is enough that I can make it on my own.

My job that I have now is not the greatest in the world, but I love what I do. It's a blessing to have and I would not give it up for all the money in the world. After not having a job for 3 mounts I was really starting to give up on myself. I was starting to wounder "Why Me". Then after I got this job it was like someone had gave me a second change even when they didn't have too.

I may not always agree with everything that goes on at my place of work,or get along with everyone that is there but I know that I am truly blessed to have a job. Now I truly feel like I am doing something with my life instead of just feeling sorry for myself.

Labor Day before I got this job was just another day,not it actually means something to me and I thank God for that. This job has it's good and it's bad just like everything else,and the money is not the greatest but it's a Labor of Love for me and I would not trade that for anything in the world.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Door Wide Open.

It always bugs me when I see an someone not hold the door for other people when when I am going in a store. To me it's just kind of rude. I have always been taught to hold the door for people when they are going in a store,and especially if it's an older person.

It's common kindness that 's all it is. There is no rule that says you HAVE to hold the door for others or that if you don't hold the door you will get into trouble,it's just the nice thing and the polite thing to do.

When I was growing up I was ALWAYS,ALWAYS being told to hold the door for others especially,if it was an older person. It always makes me mad when a younger person will go through the door at a store and there is an elderly person right behind them and they will just shut it right in there face with no looking back,and how they will not even say as much as an "Excuse Me",or "Pardon Me".

I have always been the one too hold open the door for people and I am guessing that I always be. Maby it's just in me to do so or maby I am just always so use to it. What ever the reason is it's a very kind thing to do.
SO,if you are going into a store somewhere and you see someone right behind you do the right thing and hold the door. Trust me you will feel so much better when you do.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Information Hotline.

Have you ever been with someone and somewhere with in the conversation that you are having with them they tend to bring up a touchy subject, and give you WAY to much information about that subject? What do you say in a moment like that?

Really what can you say? I always found when people tend to get a wee bit too personal then that's when I tend to stop listening to the conversation or change the subject.

I can't say that I get embarrassed. I am like a book really. You can ask me anything really and I will tell you what you want to know or answer the question that you ask. However,there are things that I will not,NOT I say talk about. Somethings are better to remain personal. Things like your weight. That should be one of the things that should be able to be a secert. Or relationship things if you get my drift. Things like that are just things that I just don't want to know or hear about.

So why is it that every time I am having a conversation with a friend,they tend to get a bit personal? They tend to talk about not only personal things in their lives,but with mying as well. I don't know if it's because it's because I am an easy person to talk to, or what it is but whatever it is I am always the one who get to hear about these personal,personal topics.

So,If I am every talk to anyone of you all out there keep this in mind. You can ask me anything or talk about anything that your heart desires,but PLEASE. Keep the personal things out of your mind.