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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lost In Time.

Have you ever felt like time is just getting away from you? It's like you look up thinking it's one time only to find out that's it's actually another time. Not only do I do that with time but I also do that with the days of the week as well. It's like the days and time gets away from me in just a short blink of an eye. "POOF" and it's gone,just like that.

What happens,how can I forget what day of the week it is? I can understand time getting away from me because for the past couple of weeks I have been so busy,but come one the days of the week. What next my name? Lets hope not.

I will tell you right now,I don't have the most up to date mind really I don't. I usually can't forget what people tell me and even then I have to write things down. So,maby that's the reason why I am forgetting what day it is or even what time it is.

It's funny how we can have so much in our minds and still forget the things that we should remember. I hate when this happens to me but with some much to have on my mind right now who can. As long as I can remember what the most important things like my friends and family and yes my even my pets and schooling everything else should fall into place.

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