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Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Door Wide Open.

It always bugs me when I see an someone not hold the door for other people when when I am going in a store. To me it's just kind of rude. I have always been taught to hold the door for people when they are going in a store,and especially if it's an older person.

It's common kindness that 's all it is. There is no rule that says you HAVE to hold the door for others or that if you don't hold the door you will get into trouble,it's just the nice thing and the polite thing to do.

When I was growing up I was ALWAYS,ALWAYS being told to hold the door for others especially,if it was an older person. It always makes me mad when a younger person will go through the door at a store and there is an elderly person right behind them and they will just shut it right in there face with no looking back,and how they will not even say as much as an "Excuse Me",or "Pardon Me".

I have always been the one too hold open the door for people and I am guessing that I always be. Maby it's just in me to do so or maby I am just always so use to it. What ever the reason is it's a very kind thing to do.
SO,if you are going into a store somewhere and you see someone right behind you do the right thing and hold the door. Trust me you will feel so much better when you do.

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