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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Aging Limits.

Every time I turn on the t.v it ALWAYS seems to be something going on or something that some one is trying to figure out. Well,today on the news I seen something that caught me dead in my tracks and really made me think for a very long time. What made me stop dead in my tracks your asking yourself? Well this article was about older people and driving and rather there should be a cut off age.

This really started to get my wheels turning. Should there be a cut off point where you should not drive or should you just keep going as long as you can and feel like it? In this situation,I started to think about the older people in my family,especially my great grandmother. She is 91 and will be 92 this year and still drives, EVERYWHERE

It's weird because I can't say that she is a bad driver. She is a fast driver to be sure but differently not a bad driver. In fact she just got a pulled over for going to fast so that has to tell you something.

In my opinion I think that there needs to be a line drawn. What I mean is, I think that older people should be able to drive,besides who are we to tell them to stop driving when they have done it for so long BUT if they are one of the ones who can't see over the steering wheel or has trouble reaching the gas petal then maby it's time for them to put down the licence.

There is a difference between being able to drive,and just being plan mean about it and telling someone that they are not going to drive again. Like I said who are we to judge them after they have drove for years.

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