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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hot VS Cold.

I'm a hot natured person. I always have been,and my guess is I always will be. I am the one who always has to have the fan or the air conditioner on,which freezes everyone else. That's Why I am so glad that I have my own apartment,so I can have my temperature the way I like it.

I am not in any way a hot natured person. So as you can guess in the summer I hate the heat that's why I stay in the water most of the time. In the winter however I am just as happy as I can be. It's nice and cold and it's just my favorite season.

Not sure why I am not a hot natured person. It's weird but even when I sleep,I even sleep with a fan on in the middle of winter. You would think I would freeze into an Ice cube but I don't. I hate being hot. I would rather just sit outside in the cold then I would in the heat.

It's like my body is taken of by the cold air. So,I don't know if your a hot or cold natured person but if your like me and your a cold natured person yeah for you.And if your a hot natured person,well ok.

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