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Saturday, December 18, 2010

That One.

As you already know Christmas time is just right around the corer. So I bet everyone is trying to get last minute shopping done,right. Your trying to get your presents that you got everyone wrapped and under the Christmas tree right. I bet you enjoy this time of year and you can't wait for the count down to come for that very special day right, and to see the smiles on your kids faces when they open up that new present on Christmas Morning. It's great right.

Well, this Christmas I got to do something that is just as rewarding to me as opening up a new gift. I got to bring joy to others. To give people a Christmas and help people out this time of year is one of the most rewarding things that I have done,and it has affected me greatly. It has given me a whole new way of thinking and it's something that I will never forget.

Before I helped out with this event that helps out people in need,I didn't really think to much when I would open up a gift on Christmas morning. I would just rip open the paper and not think to much of it. Now that I have help out,I am really starting to think about it. About what it would feel like if I knew that my children or family would not be getting a Christmas because of hard times or what ever the case may be.

At this event we worked with Toys For Tots which is an organization that helps out family who are in need of a Christmas. When we were doing this we had families that would come up and fill out a paper angel. The kids would write down what they wanted and of coarse their names and ages. To my surprise all the things these kids wanted were not big things,they were just simple things. Things that people take for granted everyday,like slippers,or gloves,or a hat or even a pair of tennie shoes.

The two cases that got to me the most was a little boy that was 12 years old. He could have ask for a bike from Santa or a video game. But no,he ask for just one thing,a pair of shoes. That's all this child wanted was a pair of shoes. And there was a little girl. She was on about 6 and all she wanted was gloves and a baby doll. Again nothing to big just two simple things. To say the least all the kids got what they wanted.

I was so happy to hear all the kids got some things for Christmas. For me it's not about the presents,or the tree,it's about being together and seeing other's happy. This event has really touched my heart,and it something that I will in fact be doing next year. So this year while you are opening your new gifts around the tree with your family,think how many kids are not having a Christmas,and be thankful for what you got.

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