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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Qulity Time.

Today has been a very special day for me. It's one of those days where I where look back when I am older and wounder why I didn't much care for them when I was younger.

Today for the first time in a very long time I actually had quality time with a family member. It's one of those family member's where I have been close tecnially,but never really felt close even know they are part of my family. I'm a weird little person,just go with me on this one.

With my quality time with this person I got to sit down and talk to this person,something that I usually don't get to do or don't feel comfortable doing with this person. It's a good feeling but a weird feeling. Something that I can not explain.

All that I can say is for the first time in a long time I feel a bit closer to this person. We talked and ate out,and just had a good time. It was a nice time to say the least. Family quality time is so important,in fact any quality time is important. Weather it be with a family member or with a friend,maby with your pets,or even with your self.

We all need that special time to reflect on our self's,others and our lives. So if it's one thing I can tell you and expecailly now with Christmas time coming and with family and friends coming in it's take the time to get to know your family. Spend that quality one on one time with them. Trust me it's so important to do.

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