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Friday, November 12, 2010

One Christmas Wish At A Time.

Christmas is a time for joy. It's a time to celebrate the birthday of the main man up stairs. It's a time to be with your family and friends and really enjoy each others company and love for one another.

I can safely say that I am truly blessed for everything that I have. Although I have had a lot of things going on,I can say I am one of the luck ones. I know though that there are some people that are not as lucky as I am,but hopefully that can change.

See this year I am helping out with a Christmas event for children that will go around their Christmas tree on Dec 25 and find nothing under there,or nothing in there stocking. I know Christmas is not just for the gifts,so please don't get me wrong but for a child that is sup post to be a magical time.

This event is going to be so those children can actually look forward to Christmas day. I am getting donations for place to donate candy,or toys and just anything possible to make a child smile this year and well as there parents. We are not asking for anything big this year just anything really.

Actually,what I have found out is more and more people and business are opening up there hearts and wallets to lead a helping hand this year,I couldn't ask for anything more.

The reason that I am helping out for this event this year is because I know that I am truly luck on Christmas day,and all I can say is that I want to help give someone else a blessing this year. I figure if I can make just one child's Christmas miracle this year than maby someone will have an amazing Christmas. So if you can let's spread some Christmas love this year.

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