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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Life's Puzzle Piece.

If it is something that I have always been taught it's that life is a chain. A chain of lesson's or just a chain of events. For me it's always been a chain of events as I am sure it has for many of you out there.

Think about it. With everything that you have go in life from growing up,to going to elementary school then as soon as you know it graduating from high school,to even going to college it's no wounder that life is like a chain.

For me,I feel like life is passing me by so fast. I mean it feels like I just graduated from high school when In reality I graduated a couple of years ago. For heaven sakes,I am getting ready to graduate from college. How crazy is that.

I just feel like life is passing me by so quickly. I mean I go to classes ever day and go to work and visit my family on the holidays, and try to get everything I need to get done that day,and it just seems like the day is over before it even begins.

The thing that I am trying to get across is that life is like a puzzle. All the piece's may not fit right now but once you get to them they will fit perfectly. Try not no let life rush by you. Instead take the time to stop and smell the cool Fall air.

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