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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Keys,Keys And Everywhere.

Why is it that I have so many keys? I feel like I have so many keys. Keys for my car,or keys for my house,or keys for my apartment,or keys for my friends house. What am I the key fairy?

Do I use my magic wand and poof there is a key? Maby someone is just leaving me keys because they have so many. Well,that's how I am starting to feel. I can never say I don't have a key. I feel like a high school janitor with all my keys.

It's funny because I have never had this many keys before. I have keys for things that I have never in my life owned or keys that I have no idea what they are too. Maby I should just go and through out the keys that I just don't need. Why other people give me keys to there apartment I will never know. It's like I am the key holder,of all holders.

That should really be my nick name the queen key holder,because it seems like everyone gives me their keys and tell me to hold on to them. I have a hard enough time just trying to hold on to my car keys but now everyone else's oh heck no. I am going to put an end to the key holding. My key holding days are over.

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