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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's Just A Number.

Why are people so obsessed with numbers. Not just any number's,I am talking about the dreaded number of age. I really don't know why people are obsessed with age. I just think that age is just a number.

Why do people fear getting older? Shouldn't we be celebrating getting older. It's another year that we are getting not only smarter,but wiser.

If you really think about it good and hard I bet you will feel the same way. Getting older has it's good parts too. Think about it. When you are older you have more freedom than when you were younger, you can do what you please,when you please and not have to worry about making anybody mad,or upset,and you have more knowledge of what is not only going on in the world but what is going on in your life.

So you see getting older is not so bad,you have your good parts about it as well as your bad,just like you do with everything in life. Don't hate your age, and instead celebrate it. Party it up. Shout it out,don't hide it.Remember you are only as old as you feel.

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