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Monday, November 29, 2010

A Clean Mess.

Usually I am a very organized person. Everything in my apartment has it's own little space. I have little cubby holes where I put my shoes in my bed room, and place where I put my clothes ,and even special design places where I put my cell phone at night. To say the least my place is usually very organized.

There are times however(another however,yes I know) where my place does get just a little unorganized. I have a lot going on and now with getting ready to graduate on my plate this year, 2011 from college it's been difficult trying to find the time to clean up.

I am not saying my apartment is so dirty you can't see the floor, I am just saying that sometimes,just sometimes I tend to just let things stay on the floor for a couple of days. I don't see it as things on the floor as I do so much an organized mess.

See there is a difference between an organized mess and and un organized mess,well at least for me there is. An un organized mess would be something where you can't find anything or you can't see the floor to walk,an organized mess is where yes there are still things on the floor but you can still find things that you need when you need it.

SO,see there really is difference between them. I am not to the point nor will I ever get to a point where I will ever have the un organized mess,I have the good kind of mess. Hey at least it's not like my room when I was little,now that is a whole different post.

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