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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ready Or Not.

I use to think thank that when I was little It was the best time of my life. I mean I had a great childhood and I have great memories that will last forever from when a child. I was very loved and very spoiled (thanks to my grandparents and great grandparents). I just though that when I was little that I was never going to grow up. I wanted to stay a child forever. I mean come on, no job that you had to go to, no house hold chores, I mean I was spoiled child, and I will admit that. Then I went into my teen age years. Those are always fun.

When I was in my teen age years I wanted to be older, I mean I remember telling my friends that I wish that I was 18 and when I was I was going to move out and be so far away from everything. Now don't get me wrong, I mean I was not a bad person growing up I mean I was not like that. However there were a few times where I would have my days where I would just be mad at the world. I would just be mean to everyday. I don't know why I was mad at everybody but I was. My teen years was so crazy but also exciting. I mean I grew up, I graduated from high school and that was one of the biggest thing from my teenage years.

Now I am 20 I am growing up and it's a whole new start to my life. I am in my 2 year of collage and just starting to get life. I thought that it was crazy being a teenager. Now with everything going on in my life I can say that I miss my teenage years,and even child years. Don't get me wrong, I love my life now. I have got a great job, and I am going to a great collage, and I have my friends and family who support me everyday with whatever do, and a crazy but loving boyfriend
I just wish that I would not have rushed my younger years. I should have listened to my grandparents , when they said "don't wish your life away,because one day you are going to want it back". I think that If I can give people one piece of advice and especially teenagers it's "Don't wish your life aways". Enjoy your life and don't rush it.


  1. I've found myself in the same spot lately (21 and graduating college in december). It seems like ages ago, and all we wanted to do then was grow up, and all we want now is to go back. I wrote a post to the same effect a couple of days ago as well. Check it out if your interested. (http://ruth-randomruminations.blogspot.com/2010/06/taking-time.html)

  2. Thanks for the comment. I understand what you are saying, I think it would be nice to just go back and take my time growing up instead of wishing my life away which is what alot of people do I believe.

  3. Yeah I deffetly will look at ur profile, and read ur blog. It may take me a couple of days cause I am doing 10 million things at one time here but Yeah I will deffently check it out.
