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Monday, June 14, 2010

Art The Ultimate Life Story.

Have you ever noticed when you look at a piece of art, and you know that it tells something about your life. Well that is kinda how I am. I love art,I love any kinda of art. When I was little I even took art classes and went to an art camp. Like I said I love art, I love to look at portraits from Da Vinci or Van Gogh or even Monet. I don't why but every time I look at a portrait I try to see what the artist was feeling at the time when they were doing the painting.

I think that one of the reasons that I like art, is because to me it's everything we do,and it's all around us.What I mean is that art is a way for people to express themselves. It doesn't matter if you do it through dance or painting or acting or it can just be expressed through the way you move your body,but art is all around us. Art to me is when you look outside and see a flower growing or waking up to the sun or even seeing a flag fly outside your window. To me that is art. There are some people, even my friends that have told me that they don't get art like I do.

Sometimes I don't think that people give it enough of a chance, and people should.
Art can be a great thing. It can be so beautiful and so relaxing when you let it be. I really wish that people would give it a chance. It can even tell stories about the artist life if you look at it long enough. It can tell about the hard times that they might have been through or even the happier times that they went through. It can tell you what mood they were in when they painted the portraits just by the colors that they use. Everybody should at least give art a chance because it might surprise you. It might put you to a whole new way of thinking that you didn't think before. Who knows. I know for me it makes me think so much more deeper than I did before and to me that is what makes good art. When it really makes you think and leaves you wondering.

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