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Saturday, June 12, 2010


Well today was my birthday celebration. It was so much different then what I thought it was going to be. I had visioned a dinner with a few family and friends gathered around me, but nothing like it was. A couple of weeks my parents ask me what I wanted for my birthday. I told them "Nothing Big" just a couple of family and friends. I even told them that they did not have to get me cake, but you know parents, always wanting to make things good for their kids.
When I got up this morning and went down stairs to talk to my parents I got told to "Hurry up and get dressed" I though ok. I really didn't think to much of it, I just thought they were taking me out to grab a bite at my favorite restaurant. What I didn't know was that all my family and friends would also be there. As we are driving to the restaurant I said to my parents "now it's just going to be us right no body else, they said yes only us" I really believed them. I should have known better.
As we get to the restaurant and go in the door. I see some of my friend then as we are walking I am starting to see more and more of them. Now I was starting to get why were there. As we turned and went down the long hall way I see alot more of my family and friends, and they are all saying"SURPRISE" I thought wow that was a surprise. I didn' t see any of this coming. As we sit down at our table I see the wait staff at the restaurant start coming to the table, it was like 10 people that came and they all started sing that classic happy birthday song to me. I had been suprised. I really did not know what to say,except for thank you and wow. It just prove to me how much my family really loved me and cared for me, to do this ,but I am so getting them back when it's their turn just watch and see.

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