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Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Classic's Never Die.

Today I heard a song on the radio that I have not heard in a long time. I probably have not heard this song in over 6 years,so it's been a long time. This song got me thinking again(yes,I know everything gets me thinking). I got me thinking on the classics's . I am a classic kind of gal,Yes I know.

The good old classics's. Oh,how I miss them. I am talking about the classic tv show and the classic song that "USE" to be on the radio. As you all have probably guessed I am not much into the tv shows or a lot of the music that is out now. For me,it's just that I prefer to watch something or listen to something that is not on a thousand times a day. It seems like all these things now days are on a million times a day.

If they would just play these radio songs or tv shows maby once or twice a week,than that would be ok. Now,people just seem to be crazy about hearing these things over and over again. That is one of the main reason's why I choose not to watch tv most of the times and instead just get what I need on the Internet it is so much simpler.

I just wish that if they were going to put something on the tv's or radio's than they would put something actually worth putting on. I am not say that they have to take everything off the air,but for goodness sake please put some classics's on. I don't care from what year it is as long as someone puts something good on. I don't know maby that's just they way I feel. Hopefully,I am not the only one who feels like this.

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