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Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Moving Solo.

Have you ever had a song that just moves you. It's one of those songs that you can put on and you can think about nothing else except what you are feeling right then and there. Everyone has those songs I believe. I know I do.

I love music all together,and really any kind of music. I love music by the Beatles,or bands like that. I like music that I can understand,and music that makes me feel something. I believe that is the first sign of a good song,when it makes you feel something that you have never felt in a long time. Lately,I have been listen to this song called "Ordinary Day"by Vanessa Carlton".

For some reason this song when I listen to it just makes me feel all weird and moody inside. It brings things out in me that I just like to feel,or that I have not felt in a long time. Sounds weird I know,but sometimes music will do that to you.

People do weird sometimes when they listen to music.Some sing and dance,some act silly,some put on a show,and like me some even just let the music relax them. Well anyways,now that I have said just some of the music that relaxes me and moves me tell me,what music or song moves you,It can be more than one,trust me this is not the only song that moves me.

PS:This is the song that Is one that I really like but I have many many more.


  1. My favorite right now is "Come As You Are" by Pocketful of Rocks. That and the soundtrack to King Kong, whenever I put that on I can just relax and focus on whatever I need too.
