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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Habits,Habits,And More Habits.

We all have habits. Things that we don't mean to do but do anyways. Me my force of habit is cracking my knuckles. I have been told a million times not to crack my knuckles because it is bad for me,but I am stubborn so I do it anyways.

Even when I was younger I was told not to crack my knuckles just because it would give me problems down the road. I was always getting yelled at because my force of habit would come in and I would crack my knuckles and sometimes not just my knuckles but my back,hands,neck,knees,legs you get the point.

I didn't see why everyone was yelling at me for it. It's not like I was hurting anyone,I was just cracking my bones, and joints. Sometimes I still don't understand why people get after me for it. I'm 20 years old so you would think that I would be able to do what I wanted to. Well even know that I have grown up and moved out and have my own place and go to school I still can't crack my bones.

I know that people are only telling me for my own good to stop doing my bad habit but it is hard. Habits are like a dark force pulling you in telling you to do it. Once you have a habit like everyone does,it's hard to stop.Well maby one day I will stop my bad habit. Who knows time will only tell.

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