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Friday, October 22, 2010

Home Is Where The Heart Is.

I have always felt like there is two types of homes,well for me anyways. There's the place where you stay and sleep and then there's the place where you have grown up and learned what the world is.

I figured this out when I first moved out of my grandparents house and got my very first apartment. My apartment is a house. It's a place where I can go after classes and sleep or just relax on my days of work and school(which is not very often). I call that a house because it's not where I grew up. The place where I grew up,or took my very first step,or learned to cook and even where I first stared to learn about the world around me is a home.

I know people think they are the same thing,but I bet if you really think about it a bit you will realize that indeed they are not. A home is where your family is. It's where you can craw up on the couch and watch tv or movies with your family and friends. That's a home to me.

I love living on my own,and I am glad that I am independent but I just have a house not a home. Home for me is where when you walk into the door you can just feel the love. I never really appreacitated my home until I moved out for the first time on my own. That's when I found out that I was and still am very blessed that I have a home that I can go back to for home cooked meals or when I need someone to talk to other than my boyfriend.

My advice,would be to just be thankful that you have a home. Yes,it is nice to have a house to your self,but it is even better to have a home. With family and friends and love and blessing all around you.

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