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Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Funny Thing Is.

ItalicToday A funny thing happen to me while I was at work. When people are at work we tend to just look at the clock a million times a day to see if the day is gone yet.Well today It's like time flew by. Literally. Now I know that people say that time goes by so quickly but today it seemed that it really did.

Today it was like I looked at the and it can be one time and then I look at it again a couple minutes later and it can be a couple hours later. Sometimes the day feels like it is never going to end but today it really seemed like I just closed my eyes and the day was over.

So why is it that some days can last forever and then other days it seems like it just goes by in the blink of an eye. I don't mind day that last forever,but my sometimes just like everyone else in the world it's nice to have day that go by in the blink of an eye.

Sometimes I just don't understand about the days. I love everyday don't get me wrong but,I just can't figure out why today seemed so quick. To tell you the truth it was kind of nice. Now I have got to see what tomorrow brings me.

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