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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Think Before You Speck.

Have you ever been told to "think before you speck" well I have and especially when I was younger. I use to always get told to "think before I speck" and not be rude to people. It was one of the main rules of my household and my life. It's a great rule to learn and have under your belt.

So what happens when you come into contact with someone that hasn't learned that rule yet,even thought it should already be implanted into their brain. The reason that I am even bringing up this subject is because today,I had someone tell me something that is really none of their business.

If I said it once I have said it twice,I hate for people to pertend like they know me when they really don't or try to get into my life. I don't mind if people ask me questions about my life,but don't keep on and on because if you do I will eventually just shut you out. Sometimes,I feel like people don't think about what they say before they say it and we all really should.

I have learned that what some people find funny is not funny to others,in fact it is just plain out hurtful. The person that said something about me today never thinks before she speaks,which is no surprise. In fact she is just a plain out well,ass. I just think she needs to learn to think before she opens up her trap. Anyways,I don't even care what she thinks of me. If she doesn't like me well here's an idea stay to yourself. I really don't care if she like me or not.
One word of advice,always think before you speck.

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