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Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Active One.

I must plea the 5th. I have never been the real sporty type. I like to watch it sometimes if I am waiting for one of my favorite show to start but I have really never like to play them. To say the least I am not very sporty.

As I have said before in many of my post I am a bit different. Now when I say different,I don't mean weird different,but just a good different. Growing up I was never really the girly type. I didn't like pretty pink bows and I didn't like to dress up,except when I had too. To say the least I was not a girly,girly at all. I really wasn't really a tom boy either. I didn't play sports except baton,which was not for me at all and I wasn't on any kind of team.

I grew up in a house hold that loved sports. My grandfather just loved sports. He still does. He has even collected baseball cards and football cards for all of us in the family so I should just love sports,but for me I just don't find them very interesting .I don't see what the big deal is about them.With me,I will play soccer or basketball by my self or with a friend,but never on a team.

I don't know maby why I don't like sports. It just has never bothered me. I mean,I can understand why people like them,but I just don't like them. If I had to watch them on TV I would but I would never in a million years,play on a team. Anyways, I know I don't like or understand them,so tell me what your favorite sport is that you like,that is if you have one.


  1. FOOTBALL!! American football that is. I'm a huge Dallas Cowboys and University of Texas fan. I'll pretty much watch any sport that I can though; baseball, soccer, golf, basketball...you name it and I'll watch it :)

  2. Not me really, I cant understand it.
