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Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Life.

Today I am not going to have a good post. I am not having a good post just because today has been so bad. I am really trying to stay positive with things but I am just not having a good day. Everything that could have happen today did,and I do mean everything. I just feel like I want to lay in my bed with the covers pulled over my head and just simply cry. In fact I am so mad at myself today that I think I will do just that. I hate days like today. It's no excuse for it. Normally I would give an excuse for my weird behavior today but today I'm not.I just am having an off day today,THAT is what is going on. Well,like I said today is not a very happy post but if I don't write something and keep everything bottled up I am just going to scream. I just have to let it out so I am sorry in advance if this post is bad. I really just don't care,like I said I just want to sit and cry. Well lets hope tomorrow is better. Not only for me but for my blog.

WOW, I could really use a someone right now. I really need to just talk to someone today about evrything. That and I could really use a hug. Really Bad.................................


  1. -HUG!-

    Not fun to have days like that. I typically just find some sort of comfort food and curl up with a movie and avoid the world when that happens.

    I hope your week goes better!!!

  2. Thanks it is going much better today
