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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Practice Makes Perfect.

How many times do you have to do something before you get it right?That is the question that I need to ask. Is it a certain amount of times you have to do something, before you get it right or is that you practice and practice until you get it right?

It's a question that I ask my self everyday. It's a though that I get up with and go to bed with at night. It's a simple question to some and a difficult question to others. See recently I have had a couple of new things that I have to do that,Well lets just say I don't do perfect. I know how to do them,like dealing with people or dealing with "difficult" people but still I don't handle some of those situations very well sometimes.

I deal with people on a daily bases. I mean I am around people 24/7 so how is it that when I get around people and they want to be difficult I tend to not handle the situation very well sometimes. Don't get me wrong,I love people really I do. I am a total people person,It's just that sometimes some people tend to rub me the wrong way. I am really trying to correct myself and practice dealing with difficult people better in everyday life

When I was growing up and even now my family would always say the way you deal with people is you "Kill the with kindness"which means show them that your not going down to there level.It makes sense don't go to their level. I also hear people telling me that Practice Makes Perfect. So maby if I keep trying to work with people than maby I will get better. So,Does anyone else that Practice Makes Perfect or is just me?

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