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Friday, September 10, 2010

Remember 9/11

9/11 will be with us all tomorrow. It's a day of remembrance and sorrow. It's a time where we remember those who died that faithful day. 9/11 affects everyone in someway. Even if you don't live in the states it still affects who we are.

9/11 was so a horrible,horrible day. It's a day where thousands of people died. Men,women,fire fighters,business people,mom's dad's,ect. Can you imagine saying good bye to a love one in the morning and thinking they will be home that day,then finding out there are gone. Just like that,just gone.

Think about where you were that day,on 9/11. Where you out with friends,or spending it with loved ones, maby you were at work or school. I know that when I first found out about 9/11 I was in a class room learning math. I was young so I didn't know what it was all about,now I understand. It's something that I will never forget,ever in my life. Seeing everybody cry for the loss of a loved one,or just crying for the shock of what was happening. It didn't really affect me then,but it does now. I have a family friend that is like a big brother to me. He joined the national guards and is getting ready to go to his 3 tour in the war. He did it because of 9/11 and so I wouldn't have too.

So maby 9/11 didn't affect you then,but it should. When I think of how many people died that day it just makes me very,very sad. See,people think that now that 9/11 is over we should forget. That not the case. We need to remember what happened that day. We also need to think our men and women in uniforms. The soldiers,fire fighter,police,medics,ect. If I can ask people to do one thing it's don't forget. And Instead thank a soldier,or the fighters,or police,or medic,ect.

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