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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Super Human Powers.

Today I seen a question on the internet and it made me wounder. The question was, If you could have any super power what would it be and why? It really just made me sit and think for a while. I mean I don't think about what super power I would like to have every day,so this question really got to me.

I am really into characters like superman or batman , so for me this was an interesting question to to think about. I had no idea at first. Did I want the ability to fly or disappear or scale from building to building in a single bound or maby I would want something more interesting like the ability to time travel,I always thought that would be cool to do.Finally after thinking about it for a while I came up with an answer. If I could have a super power, it would be the power to clone my self so that I could be at two place at once and get twice the work done.Check Spelling

I mean think about, how many times have you had to do one thing and then had to rush to get to another event. Well,I know I have had this problem and it always makes me mad because I don't want to be late for anything, so if I had the ability to clone my self and make two of me than I would send one to work at my job and the other one to go to college for me, so that I could have time to visit with my family and friends and do the things that I need to do in my life.

Wow, just thinking about something like that makes me happy. Anyways, I just think that it would be a great power to have and it would be cool too. So if you could have any kind of powers what would they be and why? There is a lot of powers to chose from so think hard.


  1. I would want to be Magneto from the X-Men. His power to manipulate metal allows him to do a bunch of other things, such as flying. Second best would be Professor Xavier, also from X-Men. I'd be pretty cool to be able to read people's minds and know what I needed to do to help them.
