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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Clumsy.

I have been known to be a bit clumsy some times. Now I am not saying that I am like that 24/7, but there are times where I can not help it. It's like my body says to do one things and my brain tells me another.

I know that everyone can be a little clumsy sometimes, I mean, sometimes you just bump into things or fall down which is perfectly normal, but lately I have been a little more clumsier than normal and usually I am just not this careless. It hasn't been anything big , just little things like shutting my finger in my car door(which hurt by the way),or falling up the stairs(yes,I know it takes talent to do that,but I did it) just little things like that.

So, I am trying to figure out why I have been so clumsy the past couple of days. I am always trying to figure out different things and think about things, so I figured this was no exception. Could it be that I have a lot of things on my mind or could it be that I have been a little stressed lately or could it just be that I am starting to be just a little bit more clumsy(which I hope not)

Anyway I look at it, it still makes me mad that I have become this clumsy. I mean I hope that this is as clumsy as I get,but like I have said many times, you just never know with me. I am just full of surprises, as we all are sometimes.

Yes I know accidents happen,but for me I just wish that I could be a little bit better with having them. Well, maby I will not be so clumsy in a few weeks once everything gets off my mind. Like I said, who knows, it is hard to tell.


  1. Oh, I firmly believe that stress makes us clumsy. Then we get mad at being clumsy so we get stressed...and the cycle continues.

    Lately I've been tripping over stuff in my apartment, then cursing whoever left it there, only to remember I'm the only one living in my apartment...oops!

  2. I do the same thing with my apartment in NYC. When I am stressed for college I always trip over things then I get mad at my self for trip over it.
