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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Wild Life.

Everyone once or twice has been to the zoo. It doesn't matter what zoo you go to because all of them usually have the same thing. They usually have bears,and lions and tigers,and zebra's and elephants and some of them usually have a petting zoo, which I love.

The only thing that I hate about going to the zoo is that I see all the animals locked up. I have said before that I am an animal lover. I am vegetarian,and I don't wear any kind of animal fur,fake or real. I guess you could say that I am some what of an animal activist. I believe that animals should be in their natural habitat where they can be with their families and roam free .

Animals should be free. Another thing that makes me mad is when they are used for a circus act or for road side shows. The other day I was on Twitter when I read a post from someone that I am following. The post was about a beautiful animal. The animal was a tiger. It was so sad and yes I did burst out in tears because this was such a sad video. The tiger's name was Tony and no I am not talking about Tony the Tiger from the cereal box,this was an actual tiger.

Now I don't want to give it away,but after looking at this video you will under stand why I was so up set. Animals to me are like people,each one of them should be chariest and each one of them should be saved. To me they are precious lives and should be taken seriously. In this video Tony The Tiger was being used for a road side show and is locked up in a cage. He never knows what it is like to be a real tiger.

It is so hard for me to write this post today,because it just makes me so mad. What gives people the right to lock up an animal. Why do people do this? I am not saying that anyone has to agree with me but I believe that if you lock up an animal and use them for a road side show you should be put in jail for the rest of your life.

Like I said I feel very passionate about this. All I am asking you is to look at this video and tell me what you think of it. Tell me if you believe that animals should be locked up like Tony is. Also tell me what you are feeling after you watch this video and tell me if you feel the same way I do. I say lets free tony.

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