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Friday, August 27, 2010

The Very Picky Eater.

Every since I was little I have been a very picky eater. I hate that I am a picky eater but I am. When I was little my grandparents could get me to eat things by telling me that is was something different that what it really was. If I would have known that then, I never would have eaten some of the things that they put on my plate.

I really don't know how I became a picky eater,I just know I did. When I was little I was worse than I am now. I would not touch anything until someone told me what was in it and what it was. That is why when I would go to a restaurant I would order something simple like french fries or ice cream because I didn't know what was in anything else.

I think one of the reasons why I became such a picky eater is because,when I was little my grandparents would always try to get me to taste new things. When my grandmother,would fix dinner she would put hidden ingredients in things like onions,or tomatoes just nasty things like that. Then she would try to hide them from me and would not tell me they were in there until I would finish my meal. There is a few times that I would catch her,but a lot of the times she would get things past me.

Now that I am grown and in college and have a place of my own and have to fix my self dinner I can control what all goes into my food and control what I eat. I have gotten a little better with not being so picky but I still nit pick at my food from time to time.I think in way I always will.

Now don't get me wrong my grandmother still tries to get me to eat new things but now I can catch her and watch her when she tries to do things like that. I know I should not be a picky eater but like I said It is just a force of habit that I have to live with but I don't mind. Maby one day I will get over being picky and just eat what is in front of me. Who knows only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Lol. I'm the complete opposite. I'll try anything...once. Growing up, I never had the option of eating anything other than what was on my plate, and when I was in Kenya I pretty much learned to try it or starve. I may not like something, but I'll at least give it a shot.
