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Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Long Time Friend.

When you are in high school and grade school you always think that the friends that you grow up with, are going to be the friends that you have forever. I can't tell you how many times I have told some one "we are going to be friends forever and ever". Well now I know that is not the truth.

There are some friends that I grew up with that I have stayed friends with, but some of them I have either not seen in a long time or just not friends with now. Sometimes,it is just hard to stay up with your friends that you have after you get out of high school because everybody goes in a million different directions. Think about it,after high school you either go off to college or move out on your own so there is a lot of things you do after high school, that is the reasons why for me, it is so hard to stay in contact with my old friends.

For me I will get to see one of my old high school friends tomorrow and I am really excited about it. I have not seen my friend in a very long time and it is going to be a very good day to see her. We are meeting at a restaurant to grab a bit to eat and that will be our time to talk. Like I said, I have not seen her in forever,so when I see her it will be a bitter sweet meeting. I am sure we will talk about our old school days and the things we use to do back then.

I love seeing my old friends and just getting caught up on old memories and new ones. I think for me the only part of the reunion that I hate is the part when we have to say good bye again. I hope that I will see her again but you never know. I believe that this time I am going to fix my mistake and actually keep with her so that way we don't have to worry about not seeing each other again. Friends are great and wonderful to have. I know I am very blessed to have everyone in my life that I have, this time I am blessed to add one more to my very blessed list. If I can give people one little piece of advice it's keep up with your friends no matter how busy you get.

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