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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dream Away.

Have you ever though about your dreams? Everyone dreams when they sleep. I know that I do all the time. Dreams are a great thing sometimes and a bad thing sometimes. If it were a bad dream of course it would be a nightmare so happy dreams are always best.

I think that some people think that when you have a dream that maby they don't mean anything. I honestly believe that they do mean something. I mean, you have those dreams for some reason, you don't just have them on accident. So you should figure out what your dreams mean.

To me,it's kind of like solving a puzzle. You have to put all the pieces of your dream together first in order to figure out what they mean. With me, I think very deep which I have said in many of my post so figuring out what things mean is actually fun to me. I love to figure out my dreams. I like to know what they mean or could possible mean.

I don't know if everyone would like to figure out all their dreams but you should at least try and figure out some of them. I had a friend tell me once that all dreams mean something. And that what you see in your dreams at night has either came true or will be coming true. I don't know if I believe that,but I do believe that all dreams have a purpose. Well I think every one should figure out a dream at least once. Who knows you may be surprised what you discover.


  1. I tend to have really vivid dreams whenever I sleep. Most nights I wake up at least once or twice from a dream, most often a negative one. Lately, I've been trying to figure out what's been triggering them, or some common thread between them but haven't found an answer. Been pondering posting on this myself. Great post!

  2. Thanks. Sometimes I belive that stress can trigger bad dreams. Maby it is because you are under a lot of stress. I know that that since I have moved back into the states and back into my messy apartment for the rest of my school year I have been having kind of weird and sometimes scarey dreams so maby it's that stess does it.
