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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mr. And Miss. Fix It.

Today I had a bit of bad luck happen to me,for the first time ever my bed broke. Yeah, I know it sounds silly, but to me it sucked. I am not a maniacal person at all. I mean I just do not fix things. I am the kind of person who can take things apart,but there is no way that I can put it back together. For some reason my mind only lets me take things apart.

I have tried to fix things, but I can never seem to get them back together. Just like the other day there was something wrong with the washer. It was just making a offal sound and I had no idea what was wrong with it,but my mind told me to try to fix it. So I decided to take a screw driver and take things apart on the back of it. Then when my boyfriend came home he was not very happy. He ask me what I was doing, and I told him I was trying to fix the washer.Come to find out I was doing more harm than I was good. I had messed everything up and I do mean everything. It took him 3 hours to get things back together and fix the washer. To say the least I learned to wait from now on until he gets home to fix things.

Well, when my bed broke, I knew what the problem was, so today I tried to fix it. I mean I knew what the problem was and how hard can it be to fix a bed, it's not like I am trying to fix a car or the house just the bed. So I hurried up and fix the bed before my other half got home. Then when he got home I told him that I had fixed it. Yeah he was happy that I had fixed it but was a little un sure on how long it would last. Well, I showed him, at least for a while. It help up a little while but them when he went to go sit on the bed it broke again.

So I made him a promise, I told him that I would let him fix everything from now on and I would just stay where I knew what I was doing. I have learned now to wait so he can fix it and to not touch anything that is broken. Sometimes you can do more harm trying to fix things than you can good. Now this is not saying that men know everything about fixing things,actually there is a lot of strong women out there that can do just as well if not better fixing things than men can,so men don't get the wrong idea. I may not be strong in fixing things but when it comes to other things like cooking or writing or things like that I know that I can out do him.

Like I said it is not a compaction it is just that we all have our strengths and weaknesses and sometimes we just have to admit when we are not the greatest at something and go about our happy ways. At least that is how I look at it.

1 comment:

  1. So glad I don't have the same problem! I'm the one everyone else calls to fix things...of course that's embarassing when I can't actually fix whatever it is that's broken. Everyone has their limits :D
