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Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Unforgiving Moods.

Have you ever had a day where you are just not sure of a lot of things?Well,today I am like that. I am just not sure of a lot of things right now. I don't just mean it my life,but also in the way I feel.

I am not sure if I feel happy,or sad or confused,or depressed,or a little of both. I know it sound's weird but I am just not sure what I feel. I have never had a day like this. This is a new day for me. The other day in one of my classes we were talking about emotions. We were talking about how emotions and what you feel can effect your day.

My professor was saying how when your emotional,you are effect a lot more than by someone that is not emotional. Think about it. When you are depressed,you act a lot less happy,you are less social,and you don't have a good day at work,or school. When you are happy,you are more social and your days go a lot more smooth. He was also saying that how you look at life can effect your day to day emotions.

I believe that it is true. How you look at life does have a lot to do with how you feel from day to day.If you look at the glass half full than more than likely your days are going to be filled with happiness and joy. If you look at the glass half empty your days are probably going to be filled with depression,and sadness. Now I know that everyone has those days where we are filled with emotions,but I think that everyone should look at the glass half full instead of half empty. It makes for a better day and a better outcome in life,I believe.

As for me not knowing what I am feeling today,I just think that today is just one of those days. Maby it's not a bad think. Maby it is actually a good thing not knowing what I am feeling,at least this way I can't feel sad and I can't feel depressed.Well maby tomorrow I will not feel so weird. Who knows.

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