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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Winning Or Losing.

Have you every won big on something. It can be on the lottery or a game,or it can even be scoring big on a test. Well I have. The other day while I was watching the tv I was watching a show about people that had won the lottery. It told about what they did with the money and how they used it and how much they won.

It got me thinking after I watched that show. It got me thinking on how if I won the lottery what I would do with all that money. Would I spend it all on my self or would I put it in the bank, or would I spend it on other people. Well I guess if I had to answer that question I would say that I would do different things with the money. I would put some of it in the bank of coarse, and 10 % always goes to god, always. I would give some of it to charity. Then I would buy my grandparents another house and my parents another house and pay off my college fees and pay off all of my relatives bills and maby after all that buy myself a little something. What I am not sure,but a little something.

After I thought about that I also though of something else besides winning the lottery. I was thinking on how the lottery is not the only way to win big. Think about it,people win big everyday it you think about it. Think about when you take a test in school. When you get an "A" on a test that is is winning big,or at least for me it is. Or when you are in some kind of a sport and you win a big game that is winning big. And think about just in everyday life. When you achieve something that you have been trying to do for a long time,to me that is winning big.

See,people think that the only way you can win big is by winning money,well I am here to tell you that,there is other ways to win big. You don't have to win the lottery just to win big. To me,you can win big just in your everyday life. Just by the things that you do,you know. So the next time you are feeling down or your luck just think, you win big everyday,Sometimes you just don't know it.

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