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Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Thinker

Have you ever just needed you time? Everyone knows what I am talking about,I believe. I am talking about that time where for just a couple of minutes you are just by your self and nothing can touch you or harm you. It's that time where you can just turn off everything and for me that includes my cell phone and just relax by yourself with no one around.

This week has just been crazy. I have had work and trying to get ready to go back to college, and taking care of my boyfriend because he has been sick,and it has just been crazy. Not all of this week has bad so please don't miss understand me,but I just feel like I am stressed some and it may just be from the lack of sleep but I am starting to be a little more irritate with people.

This is why I say that I need some me time. I need some time where I can reflect on my day and just well for the better lack of words,forget about the world just for one day. I need to just relax. I try to relax at the end of the day,but for some reason I never have time. I am always busy and just plan tired.

I think for me what I am going to do, is just pick a day and just have a me day. It's going to be a day where I can just relax and not think about work or answering the cell phone or school and just not talk about anything. I hope that I don't sound too selfish. I don't want to be selfish but I just need a day to chill out and relax. I need a day where I can get away from the world and just gather my thoughts and feelings.

I think that everyone needs those days sometimes. Those days where we can just gather our thoughts and feelings. I hope that I am not the only one that needs those days. Maby I will go to the gym and try to work it out of me, or maby I will just go down to the lake and sit by the water. Well what ever I do I just need to do it fast before I explode with all there thoughts and feelings in my head.


  1. One of the deans at my school gave an honors lecture on how important it is to have "Frivolous Fun Days" for yourself. Either to go out by yourself or with friends and just take a day to do whatever relaxes you. I know just what you mean by this post. Been going between periods of lonliness and needing time off myself.

  2. I just find that for me there are never enough hours in the day time for me time. That is my real problem.

  3. Yep, I've come across the same thing. Finally decided I was going to make time for myself at whatever cost necessary. It's a hard choice to make sometimes, but you just have to make time for yourself or you'll go crazy ;)
