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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Writer's Block.

Have you ever had writer's block? I hate when it happens to me. I know there is a million things that I can talk about but none of them that I want to talk about.

Usually,when I sit down to write a post on my blog I can just sit down and what I want to talk about usually just comes to me. Tonight for some reason I am having a hard time deciding what to write about. Should I talk about the weather,or maby the day that I have had,or maby even my life,(Which I always talk about.)

I don't know why the words are just not coming to me today. I hate that. I really love to write and talk about things but for some reason today I just can not find anything to talk about. Maby it is just because I have had a really long day or something like that.Well,what ever it is I wish I could talk and write about something.

Well,I hope tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow I will be able to actually sit down and talk about something. I will find a topic tomorrow even if it takes me all day. Actually I am very proud of my self that I did a post today today,considering that I had nothing to talk about.


  1. That's been happening to me a lot lately. Coupled with crazy business it's just been to much. I admire you for writing anyway!!

  2. Oh thanks. Yeah It has been just crazy
