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Monday, August 16, 2010

First Time Jitters.

Have you ever had those first time jitters? You know the ones I am talking about. The ones where you get that nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach. Well I know that I have,and they don't feel good either.

Everybody has those feelings sometimes. It can be because you are actually nervous about something or because you are sad about something or maby it's because of a new job or the fact that you are starting something new in your life. Well I know for me, the first time jitters that I have today are because of a new job. See, I am usually not that nervous about starting something new but I am today for some reason. I finally got a new job,that I have mixed feelings about.

On one hand I am very excited because really, it's a new beginning and on the other hand I am very nervous. I have wanted a new start,and a new career for a while now,so I should be very happy,right. So why is it that I am so nervous? Maby it's because I am so nervous that I am going to mess up or maby it's because I am afraid that I will make someone mad or mess someone up. What ever the reason may be I am just so afraid.

I really want to do well in this job. I start tomorrow so I know tonight I will never sleep through the night. As much as I am going to need my sleep I am going to have too much on my mind to sleep tonight. I really wish I could get rid of these feelings that I have. I guess all I can do is go in with a positive attitude and hope for the best. And If anybody has any suggestions on how I can get rid of these jitters and feelings,please let me know because I really hate having them. Wish me luck all , I am going to need it for tomorrow.

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