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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dream Away.

Have you ever though about your dreams? Everyone dreams when they sleep. I know that I do all the time. Dreams are a great thing sometimes and a bad thing sometimes. If it were a bad dream of course it would be a nightmare so happy dreams are always best.

I think that some people think that when you have a dream that maby they don't mean anything. I honestly believe that they do mean something. I mean, you have those dreams for some reason, you don't just have them on accident. So you should figure out what your dreams mean.

To me,it's kind of like solving a puzzle. You have to put all the pieces of your dream together first in order to figure out what they mean. With me, I think very deep which I have said in many of my post so figuring out what things mean is actually fun to me. I love to figure out my dreams. I like to know what they mean or could possible mean.

I don't know if everyone would like to figure out all their dreams but you should at least try and figure out some of them. I had a friend tell me once that all dreams mean something. And that what you see in your dreams at night has either came true or will be coming true. I don't know if I believe that,but I do believe that all dreams have a purpose. Well I think every one should figure out a dream at least once. Who knows you may be surprised what you discover.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Answer The Phone.

Why is it that when people call me on the phone they either don't talk or hang up the phone on me. I hate when people do that. I mean what is their deal? Is it their life plan to just call people and hang up on them?

It is so rude for people to do that. I mean I pay good hard earn money for my cell phone and and makes me so mad to know that people can actually call other people and play a joke on them. Especially when my cell phone bill is not the cheapest it can be.
I have a lot of features on my cell phone including Internet and unlimited calling and txting so my cell phone bill is not cheap especially now that I have got bills to pay for my apartment and college bills to pay as well.

Now, I can understand if people call me and they say"Sorry,I have the wrong number". Things like that happen all the time. I have done that quite a few times,but don't call and hang up, don't be a "Hanger upper".

I hope that it is just not my phone that people call to joke call and hang up on. I don't know how to stop people that do that. Maby I can swing my magic wound and it will stop the joke callers. Well I have got a couple of things to tell everyone who calls my phone and doesn't talk or hangs up on me. If you think that you are being funny,I hate to tell you but your not. Be a man or a women and just talk when you call me. And if I find out who keeps calling me and hanging up you are going to be paying my next phone bill, not me. Then we will see how much you like it.

Who know maby this will work. Maby the non talkers will finally get the point and stop calling my phone. Now I don't want people to get the wrong idea and think that I hate when people call me. I love when I get to talk to people on my phone ,I just don't like the ones that decide to call me and hang up or not talk on me. Well maby this post will help, Who knows,we will see .

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Unforgiving Moods.

Have you ever had a day where you are just not sure of a lot of things?Well,today I am like that. I am just not sure of a lot of things right now. I don't just mean it my life,but also in the way I feel.

I am not sure if I feel happy,or sad or confused,or depressed,or a little of both. I know it sound's weird but I am just not sure what I feel. I have never had a day like this. This is a new day for me. The other day in one of my classes we were talking about emotions. We were talking about how emotions and what you feel can effect your day.

My professor was saying how when your emotional,you are effect a lot more than by someone that is not emotional. Think about it. When you are depressed,you act a lot less happy,you are less social,and you don't have a good day at work,or school. When you are happy,you are more social and your days go a lot more smooth. He was also saying that how you look at life can effect your day to day emotions.

I believe that it is true. How you look at life does have a lot to do with how you feel from day to day.If you look at the glass half full than more than likely your days are going to be filled with happiness and joy. If you look at the glass half empty your days are probably going to be filled with depression,and sadness. Now I know that everyone has those days where we are filled with emotions,but I think that everyone should look at the glass half full instead of half empty. It makes for a better day and a better outcome in life,I believe.

As for me not knowing what I am feeling today,I just think that today is just one of those days. Maby it's not a bad think. Maby it is actually a good thing not knowing what I am feeling,at least this way I can't feel sad and I can't feel depressed.Well maby tomorrow I will not feel so weird. Who knows.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Winning Or Losing.

Have you every won big on something. It can be on the lottery or a game,or it can even be scoring big on a test. Well I have. The other day while I was watching the tv I was watching a show about people that had won the lottery. It told about what they did with the money and how they used it and how much they won.

It got me thinking after I watched that show. It got me thinking on how if I won the lottery what I would do with all that money. Would I spend it all on my self or would I put it in the bank, or would I spend it on other people. Well I guess if I had to answer that question I would say that I would do different things with the money. I would put some of it in the bank of coarse, and 10 % always goes to god, always. I would give some of it to charity. Then I would buy my grandparents another house and my parents another house and pay off my college fees and pay off all of my relatives bills and maby after all that buy myself a little something. What I am not sure,but a little something.

After I thought about that I also though of something else besides winning the lottery. I was thinking on how the lottery is not the only way to win big. Think about it,people win big everyday it you think about it. Think about when you take a test in school. When you get an "A" on a test that is is winning big,or at least for me it is. Or when you are in some kind of a sport and you win a big game that is winning big. And think about just in everyday life. When you achieve something that you have been trying to do for a long time,to me that is winning big.

See,people think that the only way you can win big is by winning money,well I am here to tell you that,there is other ways to win big. You don't have to win the lottery just to win big. To me,you can win big just in your everyday life. Just by the things that you do,you know. So the next time you are feeling down or your luck just think, you win big everyday,Sometimes you just don't know it.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Very Picky Eater.

Every since I was little I have been a very picky eater. I hate that I am a picky eater but I am. When I was little my grandparents could get me to eat things by telling me that is was something different that what it really was. If I would have known that then, I never would have eaten some of the things that they put on my plate.

I really don't know how I became a picky eater,I just know I did. When I was little I was worse than I am now. I would not touch anything until someone told me what was in it and what it was. That is why when I would go to a restaurant I would order something simple like french fries or ice cream because I didn't know what was in anything else.

I think one of the reasons why I became such a picky eater is because,when I was little my grandparents would always try to get me to taste new things. When my grandmother,would fix dinner she would put hidden ingredients in things like onions,or tomatoes just nasty things like that. Then she would try to hide them from me and would not tell me they were in there until I would finish my meal. There is a few times that I would catch her,but a lot of the times she would get things past me.

Now that I am grown and in college and have a place of my own and have to fix my self dinner I can control what all goes into my food and control what I eat. I have gotten a little better with not being so picky but I still nit pick at my food from time to time.I think in way I always will.

Now don't get me wrong my grandmother still tries to get me to eat new things but now I can catch her and watch her when she tries to do things like that. I know I should not be a picky eater but like I said It is just a force of habit that I have to live with but I don't mind. Maby one day I will get over being picky and just eat what is in front of me. Who knows only time will tell.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Writer's Block.

Have you ever had writer's block? I hate when it happens to me. I know there is a million things that I can talk about but none of them that I want to talk about.

Usually,when I sit down to write a post on my blog I can just sit down and what I want to talk about usually just comes to me. Tonight for some reason I am having a hard time deciding what to write about. Should I talk about the weather,or maby the day that I have had,or maby even my life,(Which I always talk about.)

I don't know why the words are just not coming to me today. I hate that. I really love to write and talk about things but for some reason today I just can not find anything to talk about. Maby it is just because I have had a really long day or something like that.Well,what ever it is I wish I could talk and write about something.

Well,I hope tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow I will be able to actually sit down and talk about something. I will find a topic tomorrow even if it takes me all day. Actually I am very proud of my self that I did a post today today,considering that I had nothing to talk about.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Painful Truth.

Today this post is going to be a little different. This is something that was sent to me by someone on FaceBook and it really inspired me.

The other day while I was on facebook,I came across something that someone had sent to me. It was a poem called "Daddy It Hurts". It was a very sad and beautiful poem that me think deeply. The poem was about a child called Chris. It basically said that every time his parents come home they would hurt him. He would beg for his life but it would not work. At the end of the poem it tells you that the parents had beaten Chris so bad that one day they finally murdered him.

Even know this was not a real story it still made me very sad to know that things like this does happen everyday. It happens when people lease expect it. It is said that at least 5 children everyday die from child abuse. It is a horrible thing,but it does happen.

It also makes me very mad. I believe that if you have a child, you should treat it like it is your own life. Now,I am not a parent so maby I have the wrong look on this,but I do have cousin and I do watch my friends kids and I would never in a million ,billion years hurt or smack a child. It is so wrong. I mean for heaven sakes they are Innocent souls they do not do anything to anybody. No one deserves to be hit but especially a child. What gives people the right to do something like that.?

Well like I said,it does happen and it happens everyday. Read the poem and you will know what I am talking about. Maby one day we can stop child abuse for good.If you read this poem you will know why I wrote this blog and why I was so sad after reading it,Especially if you are a parent. The poem is here down below.

"Daddy It Hurts".

My name is Chris,
I am three,
My eyes are swollen.
I cannot see.
I must be stupid,
I must be bad,
What else could have made,
My daddy so mad?
I wish I were better,
I wish I weren't ugly,
Then maybe my mommy,
Would still want to hug me.
I can't do a wrong,
I can't speak at all,
Or else I'm locked up,
All day long.
When I'm awake,
I'm all alone,
The house is dark,
My folks aren't home.
When my mommy does come home,
I'll try and be nice,
So maybe I'll just get,
One whipping tonight.
I just heard a car,
My daddy is back,
From Charlie's bar
I hear him curse,
My name is called,
I press myself,
Against the wall.
I try to hide,
From his evil eyes,
I'm so afraid now,
I'm starting to cry.
He finds me weeping,
Calls me ugly words,
He says its my fault,
He suffers at work.

He slaps and hits me,
And yells at me more,
I finally get free,
And run to the door.
He's already locked it,
And I start to bawl,
He takes me and throws me,
Against the hard wall.
I fall to the floor,
With my bones nearly broken,
And my daddy continues,
With more bad words spoken.
'I'm sorry!', I scream,
But it's now much too late,
His face has been twisted,
Into a unimaginable shape.
The hurt and the pain,
Again and again,
O please God, have mercy!
O please let it end!
And he finally stops,
And heads for the door,
While I lay there motionless,
Sprawled on the floor.
My name is Chris,
I am three,
Tonight my daddy,
Murdered me.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Have you ever thought about colors? I know it sounds weird but just go with me on this one. The reason I ask this question is because today I seen a rainbow and it was just so beautiful and amazing. It really made me think,again I know this is a weird post but just go with me on this on.

It made me think on how colors can really tell a lot about a person. Now I don't mean colors as in race but colors as in the colors you like. Take me for instance. I have a few favorite colors. I really like more of the wild colors like,bright neon orange,or yellow or even green and red. I am not a girl girl so I don't like pink. I have never and will never be a pink person. That is just one color I hate and can not stand.

I honestly do believe that colors can tell people a lot about other people. It can tell them weather you are a adventurous person or a safe person or a cheerful person or if you are even a wild person. I would be more of an adventurous person,with colors that is, not with my everyday life.

Color's are great. They are so beautiful and and can be so wonderful if you let them be. Colors are great to me because they are everywhere. They paint the sky and they paint the rainbows and they paint the entire world.One of my favorite things to do is to look up at the sky after it has rained and see and beautiful rainbow with all the colors in it. So my question that I have on my mind today is,what is your favorite color and what does it say about you?

PS:If you get the chance, go outside after it has rained and look up at the rainbow in the sky. See all the beautiful colors in it. I promise,you will not regret it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

No Question Ask.

Remember when you were little and you needed money when you would be out at a store or at a toy store or something like that. Who would be the first people you would go too? Well of course it would be your mother and father or for me it would be my grandparents.

We all remember those days.You would see something in a store window and just have to have it no matter what it was. I know that I am guilty of that. I was always asking my grandparents if I could have some money to buy a toy or something like that.Of course they would say yes maby not all the time, but most of the time they would give me just a little money to buy what I wanted. Now that I am grown up I am so glad that I don't have to ask for money from my grandparents. I know that they would give it to me in a heart beat but I have a job now and I am an adult so I need to act like it and earn my own money.

Now that I have a job,I can make a living for me and my boyfriend and have a life of my own. Now when I see something in a store or in a magazine I can actually buy it without having to ask for money. I like have some cash of my own. It makes me feel good. It lets me know that I have job and that I have really worked hard for it.

Now that I have my own money I can finally start helping my grandparents out when they need it and pay them back for everything that they have done for me when I was younger and continue to do for me now. Having your own money is great.It should make you feel like you accomplished something. You should feel pound of your self's and know that you have worked hard for it no matter what your job may be.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Importance Of A Name.

How many people have you heard complain about either their actual name or last name or even their middle name? Well I know that I have all the time. Well with me I like my name. My name is actually very important to me and it is something that I treasure everyday.

See,before I was born my great grandmother said that if my mom had a child she would like it to be called Lyndsie Nicole. Well,when my mom found out that she was having a girl she decided to name me that because my great grandmother thought it was pretty and beautiful. So really if you think of it my great grandmother actually gave me my name and I am very honored that she game it to me.
We lost my grandmother last February,so now that I have this name it is like I am caring a little part of me with her with me everyday.

People should really look at their names,I mean really study them. Like I said,I have heard so many people complain that they do not like their names for what ever reasons. Names are so great. They identify who we are and make us who we are. Names can mean so many things. With mying my name means a tree. It is a Scottish name which I found out,and I find very cool and interesting.

There are so many places where names can come from and all of them have different meanings. That is what makes them so interesting . I mean,can you imagine if everybody was walking around with no names. That would be horrible. So just be thankful for your name. It make us who we are as a person and it makes us all different. Just don't complain about your names and be thankful that we all got a name.To me in order to appreciate your name you should understand it. So my advice for today is look up your name, Find out where it comes from and what it means. It might surprise you,who knows. You never know until you try.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Tonight's post is going to be a rather short post because well, I am just now getting home from work and I am dead on my feet.

When I first started this blog I wrote a little post about respect. Well with this blog I am going to re look at that post because the more I am around people the more that I realize that some people don't have very much respect at all. People don't have very much respect for other people as well as respect for them self's.

Now when I was grown up you weren't given a choice, you gave respect to everyone and especially to the older people and your parents. That was always a big thing for me and around my house. Heck,I grew up on respect. But now that I am older and I have gotten out on my own, I have come to realize that not everyone shows respect.

Respect should always be given no matter what. To me it should always be given to your parents and to the older people and especially to your self. I had someone say to me one time you have to earn respect to get respect. Which I believe is true. So my advice for well all the time is, always show respect and have respect to your self and others no matter what.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Little Life.

Today at while I was at work, I seen such a beautiful sight. Today I seen a baby that could not have been well not even one mouth old yet,I bet. It was just a beautiful baby and just looked as happy as she could be. Now I see children and babies all the time at work and I have friends that have children,but for some reason this baby really made me think.

It made me think on how much these children now days have so much around them and not even know it. This world is so exciting and so big. In a child's eyes it is the biggest thing around them because well they are little and they have so much to learn. I know when I was just little I wasn't sure of this crazy land of ours. It was really all new to me.

If children could only see everything that this land has to offer us, I think that they would be amazed. I know that I have a friend that has a baby and when my Friend had her baby I was right their with her. It was so amazing to see her being born and just thinking to my self that there is another precious life added to this world of ours. When I held her I couldn't help but to think that when she opens her eyes and sees the world for the first time she will not understand it, but she will take everything in and that is a memory she can have forever.

It is great to see kids grow up and enjoy the world and experience the world. I know that even now I still have a lot to see and take in even know that I am an adult,we all do in a way no matter what age. It's great when you are little and you can enjoy it but once you grow up a little you can really start to except it for what it is and understand it better,but when you are young it is better to just try to take it all in and enjoy the world. So I say to all these younger children out there, enjoy life, take it all in while you can because once you grow up life goes by so fast that it is like a moving train. It just goes by an in instant.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Thinker

Have you ever just needed you time? Everyone knows what I am talking about,I believe. I am talking about that time where for just a couple of minutes you are just by your self and nothing can touch you or harm you. It's that time where you can just turn off everything and for me that includes my cell phone and just relax by yourself with no one around.

This week has just been crazy. I have had work and trying to get ready to go back to college, and taking care of my boyfriend because he has been sick,and it has just been crazy. Not all of this week has bad so please don't miss understand me,but I just feel like I am stressed some and it may just be from the lack of sleep but I am starting to be a little more irritate with people.

This is why I say that I need some me time. I need some time where I can reflect on my day and just well for the better lack of words,forget about the world just for one day. I need to just relax. I try to relax at the end of the day,but for some reason I never have time. I am always busy and just plan tired.

I think for me what I am going to do, is just pick a day and just have a me day. It's going to be a day where I can just relax and not think about work or answering the cell phone or school and just not talk about anything. I hope that I don't sound too selfish. I don't want to be selfish but I just need a day to chill out and relax. I need a day where I can get away from the world and just gather my thoughts and feelings.

I think that everyone needs those days sometimes. Those days where we can just gather our thoughts and feelings. I hope that I am not the only one that needs those days. Maby I will go to the gym and try to work it out of me, or maby I will just go down to the lake and sit by the water. Well what ever I do I just need to do it fast before I explode with all there thoughts and feelings in my head.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Curiosity Killed The Cat.

Have you ever heard the expression "Curiosity Killed The Cat? Well I have and that expression has really been close to me this week. See, I told you all the last couple of post that I have a new job. Now don't get me wrong it is going fine and everything, but I always feel like I am asking way to may questions.

I don't want the people that I work with thinking that I don't know what I am doing,but I really don't know what I am doing. I know that the first couple of days are hard in a new job but for me they have been extra hard. I bet you I have had to ask at lest ten million questions.

See I am afraid that if I ask to many questions while I am working, than my co -workers will look down on me and that is something that I don't want to happen. I really like this job and as I have said before,it is a new start and a new beginning for me but, I just don't want to look dumb and ask too many questions.

The only thing that is really making me sure that I am doing right by asking questions is what one of my boss's said to me last night. She said the "The only stupid questions are the ones that are not ask". That actually made me feel a little better and it made me feel more confident in my self.

I hope that I am doing right, I believe that I am by asking so many questions. I can't help that I am so curios,but I am,I have always been since I was just a little thing. I wounder about everything. Is that a bad thing or and good thing? Am I doing right by second guessing my self? And should I be really asking all these questions? I just need someone to assure me that I am doing the right thing. I really wish that someone could answer these questions for me, I really need them answered. And if anybody has any advice for me I could really use it right about now.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

UpDate Story On First Time Jitters.

So yesterday I wrote a story on First Time Jitters. Basically,it was about how when you start something new or when you get a new job than sometimes you get that well,sick feeling in the pit of your stomach.

The reason that I had first time jitters, is because I have a new job and I was afraid that I was going to mess up or make someone mad or something like that. Well, I am happy to report that I no longer have those first time jitters.

When I first got this job, I though that it was going to be so bad the first day. Really I was afraid. Now I no longer afraid. The one thing that made this job good is that really everybody was friendly,which made it a lot easier. Another reason that I was just really relaxed is because I was doing a job that I kind of already knew how to do which made it a little easier.

Hopefully when I go to work today I will not be so nervous and just do what I am told. I believe that I will do fine as long as I do my job right. Also instead of having those first time jitters I hope I will not have those second time jitters. Well I guess I will just have to wait and see. Like I said I have hope that I will be just fine.

Monday, August 16, 2010

First Time Jitters.

Have you ever had those first time jitters? You know the ones I am talking about. The ones where you get that nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach. Well I know that I have,and they don't feel good either.

Everybody has those feelings sometimes. It can be because you are actually nervous about something or because you are sad about something or maby it's because of a new job or the fact that you are starting something new in your life. Well I know for me, the first time jitters that I have today are because of a new job. See, I am usually not that nervous about starting something new but I am today for some reason. I finally got a new job,that I have mixed feelings about.

On one hand I am very excited because really, it's a new beginning and on the other hand I am very nervous. I have wanted a new start,and a new career for a while now,so I should be very happy,right. So why is it that I am so nervous? Maby it's because I am so nervous that I am going to mess up or maby it's because I am afraid that I will make someone mad or mess someone up. What ever the reason may be I am just so afraid.

I really want to do well in this job. I start tomorrow so I know tonight I will never sleep through the night. As much as I am going to need my sleep I am going to have too much on my mind to sleep tonight. I really wish I could get rid of these feelings that I have. I guess all I can do is go in with a positive attitude and hope for the best. And If anybody has any suggestions on how I can get rid of these jitters and feelings,please let me know because I really hate having them. Wish me luck all , I am going to need it for tomorrow.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Long Time Friend.

When you are in high school and grade school you always think that the friends that you grow up with, are going to be the friends that you have forever. I can't tell you how many times I have told some one "we are going to be friends forever and ever". Well now I know that is not the truth.

There are some friends that I grew up with that I have stayed friends with, but some of them I have either not seen in a long time or just not friends with now. Sometimes,it is just hard to stay up with your friends that you have after you get out of high school because everybody goes in a million different directions. Think about it,after high school you either go off to college or move out on your own so there is a lot of things you do after high school, that is the reasons why for me, it is so hard to stay in contact with my old friends.

For me I will get to see one of my old high school friends tomorrow and I am really excited about it. I have not seen my friend in a very long time and it is going to be a very good day to see her. We are meeting at a restaurant to grab a bit to eat and that will be our time to talk. Like I said, I have not seen her in forever,so when I see her it will be a bitter sweet meeting. I am sure we will talk about our old school days and the things we use to do back then.

I love seeing my old friends and just getting caught up on old memories and new ones. I think for me the only part of the reunion that I hate is the part when we have to say good bye again. I hope that I will see her again but you never know. I believe that this time I am going to fix my mistake and actually keep with her so that way we don't have to worry about not seeing each other again. Friends are great and wonderful to have. I know I am very blessed to have everyone in my life that I have, this time I am blessed to add one more to my very blessed list. If I can give people one little piece of advice it's keep up with your friends no matter how busy you get.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Long And Endless Journey.

Have you ever traveled somewhere,and thought to your self that it takes so much longer to go to that destination than it does come back. It's not that I mind going on long trips because it can be quite fun sometimes,but other times I just feel like it takes so much longer going to where I am going than it does coming back.

Today,me and a couple of friends and my boyfriend went on a little adventure. We were tired of the same old place so we decided to just go somewhere a little different this time. Now it's not that we got lost or anything like that,no nothing like that it is just every five seconds that I turned around we were stopping somewhere. We were either stopping to eat,or use the restroom,or stretch every ones legs, or even to change drivers when one of us would get tired of driving,just little things like that.

Maby that is one of the reasons why it took us so long to get to where we were going. That and the fact that the place that we were headed to actually was far from where we lived. I didn't have anything planned for today so it's not like I needed to be home for anything special but I think it was just the fact that all of us were in a car together for so long.

When we were coming back from our little adventure it didn't seem like it took that long to get home. Maby it was because it was just not a lot of traffic or because we were all so tired but it seemed like we were home in just a short couple of minutes when it had actually been hours.

Going on road trips are so fun to do and I think a must do for everyone at least once or twice in their life's. I should be use to the long road trips,I mean when I go back to the states I am going to have a long trip back but now I should be ready for it. I think everyone should go on a road trip and just have fun with your family or friends,no matter how long of a trip it is or how crazy your friends are. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the ride.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Superstition Truth.

Everybody know what today is. Today is Friday the 13th, which means it a day of bad luck for some of us and a good day for others. I know some people would say, that today is just another day but for me it is a day full of things not to do. I am a person that believes in a lot of superstitions.

Now,I don't go over board. I don't believe that if you walk under a ladder or brake a mirror that it is bad luck or if you see a black cat it is bad luck, but I do have somethings that I do believe in. One of the things that I am really big about,as silly as it sounds is that if you spill salt that you have to through it over your shoulder twice per shoulder. I don't know why I believe that but I do and I know it sounds weird but that is the way I think.

Another thing that I am really big about,and that my great grandmother was really big about is about singing while you are setting down at the table to eat. She would tell everybody that came over to not sing or even think about singing at the table. She always said that it was a sigh of bad luck and a sign of death. I don't believe that it is a sign of death,but I do believe that it is a sign a bad luck. So now when I sit down at the table I never sing or even think about singing because I know that if I did that my grandmother would look down on me and not think to much of it. Even know she has passed on I still listen to the words that both her and my grandfather said to us.

Like I said, some might call me silly but I call it being careful. Friday the 13th is already known for being a day of bad luck and superstitions I don't want any bad luck added on to that. So now that I have told you some of the bad luck things that I believe in you tell me do you believe in any kind of things like that and if so what are they? Any ways have a happy Friday the 13th and be safe.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Busy Beaver.

Wow,what a day this has been. Have you ever had a day where you thought it was just never going to end? It seems like it takes forever for the end of the day to get here,well today was kind of like that for me.

When I woke up this morning I didn't think that I was going to be this busy. I mean I had nothing planned,and no call to make like I usually do. Then once I got up that is when it all started. It just seemed like it was one thing after the other. I don't mean to complain and it is not that I minded it, I am just so tired.

Between getting ready to go back to college and having to go back to the states and then having to pack for that,and writing my blog which I always do,and doing somethings around the house,and going to work,and then coming home and trying to grab a little bit to eat(which I have not done yet and it is almost 9 o'clock) and everything else I just have not had time to sit down. Really the only time that I have got to sit down is right now and that is only because I am writing this post (which I don't mind at all,it relaxes me).

Sometimes,it just seems like there is not enough hours in the day. I know I should be use to this,but sometimes it can just be overwhelming. Everybody has these days so I know people know how I feel. Sometimes, I feel like the best thing I can do and everybody can do when we have one of these days,is just to go at it full force and kick some butt then before you know it the day will be over and the next day will begin.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Safe And Calm.

Every women loves a beautiful piece of jewelry. Weather it would a diamond ring (which is always nice) or a necklace or even a nice bracelet. Me, I adore jewelry in every way and I do have a lot of it.

When I graduated from high school, my grandmother gave me a beautiful necklace. This necklace was one that I had been wanting for a very long time. It was a really pretty necklace that had a little green turtle on it. I love that necklace and it is just so pretty to me. Not only did I get that,but she also got me a little four leaf clover locket to put on my necklace that I had been wanting.

I only wear that necklace on certain events like Christmas or different holidays. The reason that I only wear it to certain things is because I am afraid that I would lose it or brake it and I would be really mad it I did that. It means so much to me because both my grandfather and grandmother got it for me and it is something that meant a lot to me.

I don't wear a lot of necklace,usually I wear my rings and earrings and my ankle bracelets. I do however where the necklace that my grandparents gave me. Turtles are one of my favorite animals. There is something about them that makes me feel at peace,so when I have my turtle around my neck next to my four leaf clover locket it makes me feel calm and it makes me feel like I am safe.

People have different things that either make them feel safe or that surprises them. For me my necklace defiantly did both. It surprised me and makes me feel safe at the same. For me the most important thing about it is that it was given to me by people that love me and care for me, and it was given to me on my special day and I would never give it up for anything in the world.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Wild Life.

Everyone once or twice has been to the zoo. It doesn't matter what zoo you go to because all of them usually have the same thing. They usually have bears,and lions and tigers,and zebra's and elephants and some of them usually have a petting zoo, which I love.

The only thing that I hate about going to the zoo is that I see all the animals locked up. I have said before that I am an animal lover. I am vegetarian,and I don't wear any kind of animal fur,fake or real. I guess you could say that I am some what of an animal activist. I believe that animals should be in their natural habitat where they can be with their families and roam free .

Animals should be free. Another thing that makes me mad is when they are used for a circus act or for road side shows. The other day I was on Twitter when I read a post from someone that I am following. The post was about a beautiful animal. The animal was a tiger. It was so sad and yes I did burst out in tears because this was such a sad video. The tiger's name was Tony and no I am not talking about Tony the Tiger from the cereal box,this was an actual tiger.

Now I don't want to give it away,but after looking at this video you will under stand why I was so up set. Animals to me are like people,each one of them should be chariest and each one of them should be saved. To me they are precious lives and should be taken seriously. In this video Tony The Tiger was being used for a road side show and is locked up in a cage. He never knows what it is like to be a real tiger.

It is so hard for me to write this post today,because it just makes me so mad. What gives people the right to lock up an animal. Why do people do this? I am not saying that anyone has to agree with me but I believe that if you lock up an animal and use them for a road side show you should be put in jail for the rest of your life.

Like I said I feel very passionate about this. All I am asking you is to look at this video and tell me what you think of it. Tell me if you believe that animals should be locked up like Tony is. Also tell me what you are feeling after you watch this video and tell me if you feel the same way I do. I say lets free tony.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Hospital Worries.

Today has been kind of a crazy day as I knew it would be. See today, I had to go to the hospital with my family because my grandfather was in there. This time it was not to bad, but still very difficult for me to handle.
Today he had a pacemaker put in to help his heart. See he has had a rough time with in the last few mounts with everything and they said that this would help him by having one. Still, when I was in there waiting for him with my family to get done with surgery, it still made me worried.

I don't very good when it comes to seeing people sick and hurt. There is something inside of me that just can't handle it. Today was no exception. Even know it was a rather very simple operation it was still very hard for him to recover. He is only going to be in there over night but still, having to recover from something like that is just scary.

When I was in the waiting room I couldn't help but to think of everything that could be going on inside that operating room. I didn't want to think that anything bad was going on but you never know. I tried to stay positive anyway I could. Sometimes it is all you can do to think about what is going on when you are waiting for someone to get out of surgery.

The only reason that I did not go insane today is because I had my family around me and I knew he was in good hands,which made it easier on us. I honestly think that the worst part of going into the hospital or even a doctors office,is when you have to wait. Because think about it,when you are waiting to see someone who is at the hospital or at the doctors than you have all that time to just sit and think about what is happing and to me that is the worst feeling in the world.

Well maby I am just being stupid I mean I just called him and he was fine but it still scares me that he is in there. Is that stupid of me to have this fear?I mean is that normal or does everyone have this fear? Anyways I am just going to stay positive and think good thoughts, and when he comes home tomorrow I will hug him and all my worries will go away.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Welcome To The Future.

Have your ever thought about the future, I mean really sat down and thought about it. For some reason I do all the time. I think about what it's going to be like, and what the world is now and how the world has chanced so much over the years.

Think about it for a sec. Think back to when you were a kid and you thought about what the world was going to be like now. I know when I though about the world as a kid,I thought it would be a lot different. I though by now we would have things like flying cars and a world where people don't have to worry about things, and homes that would be up in the air just silly things like that. I was a kid what did I know.

Now that I have gotten older, I wounder what is next for the world. I mean, if we have come this far with things like technology and medicine and cars and things that makes our lives easier now,I can only imagine what is going to come next. Sometimes it is just amazing how far we have come just over the last few years. I know when I was little we didn't have a lot of the things that we have now and we didn't have a lot of what you see today. Now days it is like so much has come in and out.

I can only imagine what the world is going to come up with next. It is almost like waiting to open up a package on Christmas morning. You have waited for it for so long and its finally here after mounts of waiting. To me the future is like that and it really is if you think about it. You wait and wait for the years to go by and after waiting a dozen or so years you can now look and see what the world has borough to us.

I just like to think about these kind of things. I like to think about what other new things are going to happen to this universe. Who knows. I think that one of the funniest things that has happen to our world in my opinion in the last couple of years to me, is that they took Pluto away and now they say it's not a planet. I still count it as one because I don't think that you can take it away but that is just one example of many that has happen to this crazy,confusing world. Like I said who knows what is going to happen next.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Learning Mind.

When I was in grade school and middle school and yes even high school the things that I got taught never really stuck with me. Don't get me wrong , I like school I really did. It was a chance for me to learn something and get an education and it was a chance for me to learn some responsibilities for myself but when it came to my school work or the things that they taught me I always thought differently about them.

I paid attention and yes I was on the "A" honor roll for most of my schooling years,but I just never understood why they tough us some of the things that they did in school. Everybody had there favorite classes and their least favorite classes. For me my favorite class was either between drama which I was in for 9 years, or English because I love to write and read. My least favorite class was biology CP. I hated that class with a passion. I never though that things that I learned in that class and also things that I learned in algebra would come in handy.

Come on,what would I need algebra for or biology for that matter. Now that I have graduated I have come to realize that the things that they teach you in your schooling in your younger years may not be so important to you then, but when you grow up you will actually use them. Ok,so I don't know how I am using biology, but with math I use that everyday.Actually that is a subject that you should pay close attention to when at school it is very important.

Now that I go to college I have learned my lesson. Now, I have learned to pay close attention and to keep an open mind and not look down on the things that they are teaching me because you never know when you will use them. It could be when you least expect it or it could not be at all you never know. So tell me, what were your least favorite subjects in school and what were your favorite? Also,if you go to school now what are they?

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Blank Canvas.

My whole life I have always had just one look. I have never changed my hair color,or put on a lot of make-up or changed the way I dress just because of what someone says to me. I like the way the way I look.

The other day at work,I asked my friends if they had to describe me what would they say? I have a variety of friends with all different looks,so I had no idea of what they would say. Some said that I was just me(I am not sure what that means,but that's what they said),and the others I was surprised at what they said. Some said that I was a blank canvas. I didn't know weather to be insulted or to be happy. I mean,what does that mean?

That night, I went home and thought about what my co-workers had said. Blank canvas, really? Out of millions of words and they chose those, why? The more I thought about it though,the more I understood it. See, when I go out I make sure I look cute,and put on a little bit of make-up and just go out as me,but when some people go out they put on clothes that show off way to much skin and just cake on that make-up to where it looks so thick and nasty and put their hair up in weird ways just because their friends are doing it or because someone said to look that way. Me I don't care what anybody says, If people don't like the way I look who cares.

So I guess in a way my friends were right,I am a blank canvas. With me what you see is what you get,no more,no less. If you don't like the way I look here's an idea don't look that will solve the problem. I don't know why people try to impress others by the way they look. We should be doing that with our minds not our bodies(I am old fashion,sorry). I am not saying that I don't like to look good for college or my boyfriend or when I go out somewhere,but I have my look.

I am not going to change for anybody. As far as putting on make-up I don't mind putting on a little in the mornings but I am not going to cake it on. I go for a more natural look which suits me just fine. And for my hair, I don't mind when people color their hair or style,because I style mying I don't color but I do style, but don't go over board with it. Color and style your hair once and just let it be.

Like I said, I like the way I look, I'm happy with who I am inside and out and so should everyone else. We all have our own looks,but that is what makes us so great is because we are all so different and no one looks the same to each other. So just be happy with your looks and don't try to be something that you aren't . So all in all I guess it is not so bad being a blank canvas,just as long as I can be who I want to be and no one else,just plan old me.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Magical Mind.

You have seen those magic show right,there are a lot of them on tv. The one that I usually watch is that show MindFreaks with Chris Angel. I have no idea why I watch that show because I really don't believe in that sort of thing.I confess there are times when I watch that show and wounder how they did something, and there are somethings that I find cool but,to me it is all just rather fake.

Tell me how someone can do the things that I seen on this show,like walk through a metal door or light himself on fire and live. There is no way possible how someone like that or anybody for that matter can do the things that this guy does and still be alive,just no way possible.

So the real question that I keep asking myself is,if all of these magic tricks are fake than why do people still watch the show?Why is it so popular? I mean what do people like about it,and what attracts them to it? Heck,Why do I watch the show,if I know it's fake?

I have no idea the answers to any of these questions but I would really like to find them out. The reason that I watch the show, I believe is because to me,it's almost like reading a good book. Like when you get to a good part and the story has just been so interesting but you have read for a while and you need to put it down but can't because you want to find out what happens that is what draws me to the show.

Like I said, I don't believe magic is real,however magic in it's self is an art form. So that is another reason why it draws in so many people(plus me). I love art it's truly amazing so maby the reason that people like those magic shows is because it is an art,or at least the way I look at it (plus sometimes,it is just fun to watch).So tell me,do you believe that magic is real?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Job At Hand.

There are a lot of jobs out there right now. In this world of ours, we have jobs where people can become doctor's or lawyers , business people, actor's or actresses, singers, food workers,and many more things.

I mean there is such a wild variety of things out there, that it is just simply amazing. I can't tell you how many times that I have been at work or helped out someone when I have been at work that needed help and I have heard those two simple words "Thank You" or heard someone say things like " Thank you for all you do", which is always good to here from time to time.

I mean who doesn't love a solid "thank you for what you do" every once in a while. For me it is someone says that to me it makes my day go so much better and the day go by so much smoother, but I believe that sometimes we forget about the people that do some of the things that I know that I could not do.

I am talking about people like the soldiers that fight for our freedom,or the firemen that help protect us from fires,and what about even the people that feed us when we don't have time to cook or don't have time to sit down and eat with our families. Sometimes, I feel like we forget about the people that do some of these things. I mean like I said we have a world where there is just so many opportunities to do things and yet I still feel like we forget the people that maby may not be so high up in the ladder but yet work just as hard and just as many hours as those of us who are a little hire up in the ladder like doctors, or cops or ect.

Sometimes I feel like people look down on other people who are fast food workers or things like that, and we shouldn't. I mean think about, if it would not be for people like fire fighters or cops or soldiers or yes even the fast food workers than we would not have the things that have today. We wouldn't have all this freedom and we wouldn't have people that protect us every day, and if it wouldn't be for the workers who fix food than who would feed the hunger people who do go to work and work hard everyday, who would feed their family's.

All I am saying is this, it doesn't matter what kind of job that you have. It could be the simplest job in the world, what does matter is that at the end of the day, you are proud of the job that you have and proud of what others have done. Also, never look down on people,even if they have a job that may not be the greatest,at least it's a job and you are making money to support your self and your family. As long as you like your job, it shouldn't matter what anybody else thinks, it should just matter what you think.

That and be thankful that there is people out there that is willing to do these dangerous jobs and willing to work. Just appreciate the people that do the jobs that no body even thinks about sometimes and always remember to say think you every times someone helps you,because you never know what one little "Thank You" can do to someones day.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Clumsy.

I have been known to be a bit clumsy some times. Now I am not saying that I am like that 24/7, but there are times where I can not help it. It's like my body says to do one things and my brain tells me another.

I know that everyone can be a little clumsy sometimes, I mean, sometimes you just bump into things or fall down which is perfectly normal, but lately I have been a little more clumsier than normal and usually I am just not this careless. It hasn't been anything big , just little things like shutting my finger in my car door(which hurt by the way),or falling up the stairs(yes,I know it takes talent to do that,but I did it) just little things like that.

So, I am trying to figure out why I have been so clumsy the past couple of days. I am always trying to figure out different things and think about things, so I figured this was no exception. Could it be that I have a lot of things on my mind or could it be that I have been a little stressed lately or could it just be that I am starting to be just a little bit more clumsy(which I hope not)

Anyway I look at it, it still makes me mad that I have become this clumsy. I mean I hope that this is as clumsy as I get,but like I have said many times, you just never know with me. I am just full of surprises, as we all are sometimes.

Yes I know accidents happen,but for me I just wish that I could be a little bit better with having them. Well, maby I will not be so clumsy in a few weeks once everything gets off my mind. Like I said, who knows, it is hard to tell.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Lets All Gather.

Family gatherings are always fun. It is a time that you can reunite with your loved ones that you have not seen in a long time. It is a time that you can share stories and laugh together and see each other, plus eat lots of yummy food (that is always a plus).

I have a lot of family,and I do mean a lot. I have family from all over the place,some in the states,and some in the great country of Canada which is where I am from(it is a great place to live). Anyway,we like to gather at least once a year and sometimes twice a year which is not bad. We either gather in the states or in Canada. This year it was in Canada which is good because I did not have to go far from my home.

I got to see a lot of my family from both my moms and dads side which was good,because some of them I have not seen for a long time and the others I only get to see at holidays, so it was good that I got to reunite with them.

The only part that I hate about a family reunion is that I never know what to bring as far as food wise goes. I have very picky eaters in my family so it is hard to please everyone,but I have learned that sometimes you can't make everyone happy no matter how hard you try.Besides the food worries I always worry that I am not going to know who everyone is there.The only reason I say that is because, I go to school in the states so I am only up in Canada for vacation from college, so I don't get to see some of my distant family when they come and visit. I am always afraid that I will get to a reunion and forget who someone is, and if that happens it would be so embarrassing

Besides those thing I love family reunions. Where some people hate them I love them. For me it is a chance to talk to people that I only get to talk to on the phone or by mail. So when you get together with your family take that opportunity to get to know the ones you love a bit more. Laugh and share stories with each other.

Family is very important to me and it should be important to everyone. The thing that I have learned is that if you have family and friends nothing else should matter. Like I have said in many on my post and will keep saying, is that family is the most important things so take every moment that you have with your loved ones and treasure it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mr. And Miss. Fix It.

Today I had a bit of bad luck happen to me,for the first time ever my bed broke. Yeah, I know it sounds silly, but to me it sucked. I am not a maniacal person at all. I mean I just do not fix things. I am the kind of person who can take things apart,but there is no way that I can put it back together. For some reason my mind only lets me take things apart.

I have tried to fix things, but I can never seem to get them back together. Just like the other day there was something wrong with the washer. It was just making a offal sound and I had no idea what was wrong with it,but my mind told me to try to fix it. So I decided to take a screw driver and take things apart on the back of it. Then when my boyfriend came home he was not very happy. He ask me what I was doing, and I told him I was trying to fix the washer.Come to find out I was doing more harm than I was good. I had messed everything up and I do mean everything. It took him 3 hours to get things back together and fix the washer. To say the least I learned to wait from now on until he gets home to fix things.

Well, when my bed broke, I knew what the problem was, so today I tried to fix it. I mean I knew what the problem was and how hard can it be to fix a bed, it's not like I am trying to fix a car or the house just the bed. So I hurried up and fix the bed before my other half got home. Then when he got home I told him that I had fixed it. Yeah he was happy that I had fixed it but was a little un sure on how long it would last. Well, I showed him, at least for a while. It help up a little while but them when he went to go sit on the bed it broke again.

So I made him a promise, I told him that I would let him fix everything from now on and I would just stay where I knew what I was doing. I have learned now to wait so he can fix it and to not touch anything that is broken. Sometimes you can do more harm trying to fix things than you can good. Now this is not saying that men know everything about fixing things,actually there is a lot of strong women out there that can do just as well if not better fixing things than men can,so men don't get the wrong idea. I may not be strong in fixing things but when it comes to other things like cooking or writing or things like that I know that I can out do him.

Like I said it is not a compaction it is just that we all have our strengths and weaknesses and sometimes we just have to admit when we are not the greatest at something and go about our happy ways. At least that is how I look at it.